A message from Becky... 29th September

Notices Church_news From_the_Vicar
Dear friendsWell October is here, I'm not sure how that happened! Time seems to be moving quickly, the Advent wreath candles have arrived, I even (tongue in cheek) said to someone this week, "if I don't see you before, have a good Christmas!"We can feel as though we're rushing from one season to the next, from one thing to another, without pause or space, or noticing what is in the present.We held a wonderful Deanery synod this week, with the theme of "Hidden treasures". We were encouraged to think about what and who we might notice in our communities that indicate God at work. For some, it was difficult to think more widely than the church community. For others, identifying which community or where that community was, was a challenge. I was taken though with this idea that treasure, God's work or activity, could be "hidden", like a beautiful presence just quietly and consistently going on, with the invitation to notice and join in. Noticing requires pause, it requires us to cast our gaze around, to look widely, intentionally, creatively and hopefully.I wonder how often you give yourself permission to do this? To "notice what you notice"? I wonder if you hear yourself saying "I don't have time for that" even as I suggest this?! The lesson from the exercise this week at Synod for me suggests that there is "treasure" we will miss here and now, if we don't pause occasionally from rushing to the next. I would love you to take a pause now, as you're reading this, to just look out of the window, or take a few deep breaths, to just be still and present in the present ... I wonder what you notice outside of yourself? I wonder what you notice within?It would be wonderful to gather with you on Sunday at church - with our 8.30am traditional Holy Communion service and the 10.30am Sung Eucharist, with Sunday Spirit for our young people. This gives us the pause, the invitation to be present, to be aware of who we are and whose we are. We gather together in order to be sent out into our communities, wherever they are, or whatever they look like, hopefully with a desire to join in with all that God is doing. You're invited.With every blessingBecky