A message from Becky... 11th August

Notices Church_news From_the_Vicar
Dear friendsWell, what a great way to start our sermon series with Welcome! We had a wonderful response to Sunday morning, as well as the welcome events during the week. It was so important to think about the breadth of what Welcome actually means, particularly to reframe it as invitation to be part of a journey of relationships with others, and the journey with Jesus.The sun shone almost too brightly for the Teddy Bears Picnic, meaning we had to move indoors to eat so we could shelter from the sun, but we had a great time together.The coffee morning on Friday was really good - who knew a cream tea for brunch would work so well!This week we move our attention to the next "W" - the Word. We are delighted that Rev'd Tim Godden will be joining the 8.30am congregation to share his thoughts on the Bible, and Phil and Chris will lead café church with some interesting and thought provoking interactive conversation on the same subject.It would be wonderful to grapple a bit more with this, so Phil is preparing a great Bible study for those who would like to come along to church next Wednesday evening at 7.30pm. We'll particularly look at the Epistle that we're reading every Sunday, 1 Peter 2: 1 - 10.In addition, for the first time we're going to have a conversation to go deeper with the "Going Deeper" material I prepare each week. If you'd like to come along on Thursday morning at 10.30, we'll have informal conversations using the questions that are on the material included with this email. Again, for the very first time, I've also prepared a version for young people, and there will be a separate space for young people to join in a conversation on Thursday morning as well.At all of these there will be plenty of refreshments to keep up going! There aren't right or wrong answers, just the opportunity to ponder the Word together - you're invited.With best wishes, as everBecky