A message from Becky... 21st July

Notices Church_news From_the_Vicar
Dear friendsI went to a 21st birthday party last weekend. It was for my friends son, who I have known for his entire life, and I know the family really well. As often happens at these kinds of events, people either remember I'm a vicar, or discover this for the first time, and conversation then changes. It can range from a preconception: "wow, you're a vicar, what a great job, you can just do whatever you like" ... interesting perspective ... to deep and meaningful: "how did you become a vicar, what's it like being a Christian" and the classic "what's it like being a female vicar" (note - I don't know the answer to this one, I've only ever been a woman so don't have an alternative frame of reference).I was challenged with one question from someone who seemed genuinely curious about why people come to church. I said that I think lots of the time people come seeking answers to questions about life, death, meaning and purpose, to which they responded "oh, so you think you've got all the answers then". What I wanted to say was "no, but I know a man who has", but that was a bit beyond where we were in the moment! I wonder how you feel about talking about your faith? People sometimes say that they are reluctant because they don't want to be asked difficult questions, they don't want to "let God down, by not saying the right thing", or because it feels intensely private. Others will say they love talking about Jesus, and find it really easy.For me, it depends on the circumstances. I love talking about our amazing God, all that I see in the world and all that I've experienced in my life, but I also feel really exposed when it's a family party and I'm there as a family friend, not as the vicar! It also becomes more difficult when faced with suffering or really hard circumstances, and people are seeking to know where God is in all they are facing.I don't know that anyone has accepted Jesus into their lives by a persuasive, theologically rich, clever statement, or even a trite Christian phrase. I think people are usually drawn to faith by being in the presence of those who know God in the everyday and ordinary aspects of life, who can tell the story of God's love for them, who can speak into when it's hard to have a faith, or hard to pray, as well as times when it is joyful. As we've explored over recent weeks, God is constantly at work in the world, and in our lives, reaching out a hand of invitation, sowing ridiculously generous and abundant seeds and in both of these, all we have to say is "yes" This Sunday we'll continue our exploration as we consider what happens when the seed grows! We meet at 8.30am for our traditional Holy Communion service, and at 10.30am for our less formal "All together Communion" service, with some great hymns as ever - you are invited.Beth is on annual leave for the next 2 weeks, so we'll have a short break from a weekly message and "Going Deeper", but in the email today you'll see all that lies ahead over the Summer, with our Summer series. This includes how each theme in the series will launch on the Sunday morning, together with the mid-week activities that will enable us to engage more fully. Again, you are invited, do please come along. In the meantime do please join me in praying for Beth and family as they take a well deserved holiday.With every blessingBecky