Community Activities - we are here for you

We hold regular Community Meals, at 12 noon after our Sunday Service, usually twice a month, on the second and fourth Sundays

There is no charge, but you may of course, make a donation towards our work in Hengrove. Just so we have an idea of numbers please book using our tickettailor link

Check out our Facebook page for regular updates on the dates of these meals.

Community Cafe every Thursday morning, pop in and have a cup of coffee or tea and a piece of cake. 9.30am to 12 noon.

Community Garden a place to sit and unwind for as long as you want. There are various seats around the Church grounds.

Warm Space Keep a watch on our Notice Board, look at our Facebook page, or ask to receive our weekly newsletter by email, to know exactly when we shall be open.

Friday Soup with our Books and Puzzle Exchange Fridays 1-3pm in the Church Hall

Games Afternoons every second and fourth Monday in the Church Hall 2-4pm