St Nicholas Parish Church Fleetwood. Week beginning 17th November 2024 We seek to be a church that lives by faith, is known by love and is a voice of hope to the community we serve. Website 17th November- Safeguarding Sunday8.30 am Holy Communion in Church9.30 am Worship on Zoom 10.45 am Holy Communion in Church12.30 pm Baptism of Bobby Abbott in Church4.00 pm Family & CoMonday 18th November1.00 pm Funeral of Terry Wells in ChurchTuesday 19th November11.00 am Singing for pleasure in the Jubilee Room 2.00 pm Holy Communion in ChurchThursday 21st November 10.00 am Community Coffee Morning in the Jubilee Room Friday 22nd November 9.00 am Little Gang in the Broadway RoomsSaturday 23rd November10.00 am Messy Church in the Broadway RoomsSunday 24th November 8.30 am Communion by Extension in Church9.30 am Worship on Zoom10.45 am Holy Communion in Church4.00 pm Family & CoDaily prayer this weekMonday 8 AM St Peter’s | 5.30 PM Mount Rd VicarageTuesday 8 AM St Peter's Wednesday 8 AM St David's | 5:30 PM St Peter'sThursday 5:30 PM Mount Rd Vicarage *******************************************Resignation of the Archbishop of Canterbury: Excerpts from a letter sent this week to all clergy in this diocese, from the Bishops of Blackburn, Burnley and Lancaster.“This will have been a very tense and difficult week for many in the Church of England, not least for survivors of abuse.”“It is only right that those in the most senior positions are held to the highest standards, and the Archbishop’s decision to step aside following the revelations in the Makin Report is an understandable one. He leaves with our love and prayers.”“As the Church of England, we now have an enormous task in front of us. We need to renew our Church such that it places the needs of the most vulnerable, including survivors of abuse, at the centre. We need to reform our safeguarding culture and processes in order to regain people’s confidence. We need to hear the voices of critics as prophetic ones. The challenges sound hard, but we do not face them alone.”“The Church of God, of which the Church of England is a small part, has only one Head who is Jesus Christ. It is he who can forgive sin and grant a fresh start. It is he who awakens our consciences to the needs of the poorest and most vulnerable. It is he who is shaking His Church awake. It is in him that we will find the renewal we long for.”Saturday December 14th: “Carols in the Courtyard” (Church car park), followed by mulled wine, a hot meal, mince pies and coffee in the Broadway Rooms. For catering purposes, please sign up at the back of church. We are hoping to cover our costs and maybe even raise a bit for the Tower Fund too, so we are suggesting a donation of about £8 per head. Please remember in your prayers: Archdeacon Mark Ireland, Jeff Chambers, Alf Fowler, Katie, Brian Brown, Mark Price, Debbie, Michael Carthy, Rev Jane Everett, Paul Sumner, Sandra Pratt, Michael, Chris Kelsall, Brian Morris, Ben & Ruth Green and Elaine Clarke. And we remember Maurice Larsen, Jane Bedford and Terrance Wells and their families as their funeral arrangements are being made.
St Nicholas Parish Church Fleetwood. Week beginning 10th November 2024 We seek to be a church that lives by faith, is known by love and is a voice of hope to the community we serve. Website 10th November Remembrance Sunday 8.30 am Holy Communion in Church9.30 am Holy Communion in Church10.45 am Service at the Cenotaph in the Memorial Park4.00 pm Family & CoTuesday 12th November2.00 pm Holy Communion in ChurchThursday 14th November 10.00 am Community Coffee Morning in the Jubilee Room 1.15 pm Funeral of Frank Heald in ChurchFriday 15th November 9.00 am Little Gang in the Broadway Rooms11.45 am Funeral of Frank Latus in ChurchSunday 17th November8.30 am Holy Communion in Church9.30 am Worship on Zoom10.45 am Holy Communion in Church12.30 pm Baptism of Bobby Abbott in Church4.00 pm Family & CoDaily prayer:Tuesday 8 AM St Peter's | 5:30 PM St Nicholas'Wednesday 8 AM St Nicholas’ | 5:30 PM St Nicholas’Thursday 8 AM St Nicholas' | 5:30 PM Mount Rd VicarageFriday 8 AM St Nicholas’ In Flanders fields the poppies blow between the crosses, row on row, that mark our place; and in the sky the larks, still bravely singing, fly scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the Dead. Short days ago, we lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, loved, and were loved, and now we lie in Flanders fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe: to you from failing hands we throw the torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die we shall not sleep, though poppies grow in Flanders fields.Christmas Leaflet drop: We want to invite as many of our community as possible to the events and services that are planned between now and Christmas. Please, please, if you are fit and able to take responsibility for a street, pick them up from the back of church and be sure to get them posted in good time for the first event which is Messy Church on 23rd November.Christmas fair 7th December: Lots of us are working hard behind the scenes to ensure that this is a Fair to remember! There’s a list at the back if church listing the items needed for the luxury hamper raffle prize. Sandra and Carole are responsible for the ‘Mystery Gift’ stall for kids. If you are able to donate a new toy or a children’s book or game, they would be delighted for your support. And finally, as always bottles, chocolates, soft toys and gifts will also be gratefully received. The figure to beat this year is £3,500. : )Saturday December 14th: After all the fun of the Fair, the following Saturday, you, your friends and family are invited to join a fabulous brass band for “Carols in the Courtyard” (Church car park), followed by mulled wine, a hot meal, mince pies and coffee in the Broadway Rooms. For catering purposes, please sign up at the back of church. We are hoping to cover our costs and maybe even raise a bit for the Tower Fund too, so we are suggesting a donation of about £8 per head. 100 Club Winners: Freda Wayman, Charles Evans, Tim Parker- Simms, Derek Warrington, Charles Colby, Alma Wright, Muriel Freestone, Gerald Mathias, Jillian Muir, Alan Newton, Laura Martin, Carol Newton, Alison Horabin and Paul Meekins. Thank you for supporting the Church in this way.Please remember in your prayers: Archdeacon Mark Ireland, Jeff Chambers, Alf Fowler, Katie, Brian Brown, Mark Price, Debbie, Michael Carthy, Rev Jane Everett, Paul Sumner, Sandra Pratt, Michael, Chris Kelsall, Brian Morris and Elaine Clarke. And we remember Frank Latus, Frank Heald, Maurice Larsen and Terrance Wells and their families as funeral arrangements are being made.
St Nicholas Parish Church Fleetwood. Week beginning 3rd November 2024 We seek to be a church that lives by faith, is known by love and is a voice of hope to the community we serve. Website Sunday 3rd November All Saints Day 8.30 am Holy Communion in Church9.30 am Worship on Zoom10.45 am Holy Communion in Church12.30 pm Baptism of Jacob Lee-Smith4.00 pm Family & Co6.30 pm Memorial Service for Funeral Families Monday 4th November 2.00pm Community Crafts & Games in the Jubilee RoomTuesday 5th November 11.00 am Singing for pleasure in the Jubilee Room2.00 pm Holy Communion in ChurchThursday 7th November 10.00 am Community Coffee Morning in the Jubilee Room Friday 8th November 9.00 am Little Gang in the Broadway RoomsSunday 10th November Remembrance Sunday8.30 am Holy Communion in Church9.30 am Holy Communion in Church10.45 am Service at the Cenotaph in the Memorial Park4.00 pm Family & CoDaily prayer:Monday 8 AM St Peter’s | 5.30 PM Mount Rd VicarageTuesday 8 AM St Peter's | 5:30 PM St Nicholas'Wednesday 8 AM St David's | 5:30 PM St Peter'sThursday 8 AM St Nicholas' | 5:30 PM Mount Rd VicarageFriday 8 AM St Nicholas’ **************************************************Today: we celebrate All Saints’ Day. It is a reminder of our connectedness as Christians to the church and our conviction that there is a spiritual connection between those in Heaven and on Earth. We will also combine it with All Souls’ Day, when we remember our own loved ones and all the faithful departed. There will be an opportunity during the service to remember our loved ones and the names of those listed at the back of church will be placed symbolically on the Lord’s table as part of our worship.Tonight: we will welcome back to church the families of all the funerals we have officiated at in the last twelve months. The names of their loved ones will be read out and they will have the opportunity to light a candle in remembrance. You are welcome to come along to this service to support our guests. We will be serving drinks and nibbles after the service.During this time of sacred remembrance, we bring before God the names of our loved ones who have passed from this life. We acknowledge our enduring love; we express our hope that they be eternally blessed, and we share our desire to be reunited with them in the everlasting glory made possible through the resurrection of Christ Jesus. Amen.Now to Christmas: The proceeds of the Fair this year will be going towards our Tower Appeal. The Christmas raffle makes a major contribution to the overall takings on the day. So, we are thrilled that Angela and Charles have volunteered to oversee the raffle prizes this year. They have put a list at the back of church of items that would be gratefully received for the luxury hamper. If you are able to donate an item, please tick the list and drop the item off at the Vicar’s vestry within the next couple of weeks. Bottles, chocolates, soft toys and gifts will also be gratefully received. There are posters at the back of church advertising the Fair. Let’s get them in as many locations as we can. We’ve also had 1000 leaflets printed listing all that’s happening in church between now and Christmas Day. 800 of them will need posting through letter boxes in our parish. If you are fit and able to take responsibility for a street, please pick them up from the back of church and be sure to get them posted in good time for the first event which is Messy Church on 23rd November. Thanks in advance!Please remember in your prayers: Jeff Chambers, Alf Fowler, Katie, Brian Brown, Mark Price, Debbie, Michael Carthy, Rev Jane Everett, Paul Sumner, Sandra Pratt, Michael, Chris Kelsall and Elaine Clarke. And we remember Frank Latus, Frank Heald, Maurice Larsen and Terrance Wells and their families as funeral arrangements are being made.
St Nicholas Parish Church Fleetwood. Week beginning 27th October 2024We seek to be a church that lives by faith, is known by love and is a voice of hope to the community we serve.Website 27th October Bible Sunday 8.30 am Holy Communion in Church9.30 am Worship on Zoom10.45 am Holy Communion in Church4.00 pm Family & CoTuesday 29th October11.00 am Singing for pleasure in the Jubilee Room2.00 pm Holy Communion in ChurchWednesday 30th October1.00 pm Funeral of Elsie Mathias in ChurchThursday 31st October 10.00 am Community Coffee Morning in the Jubilee Room Friday 1st November 9.00 am Little Gang in the Broadway RoomsSaturday 2nd November 2.30 pm Wedding of Zoe & Daniel in Church Sunday 3rd November All Saints Day 8.30 am Holy Communion in Church9.30 am Worship on Zoom10.45 am Holy Communion in Church12.30 pm Baptism of Jacob Lee-Smith4.00 pm Family & Co6.30 pm Memorial Service for Funeral Families Oct 2023 – Sept 2024Daily prayer:Monday 8 AM St Peter’s | 5.30 PM St David’sTuesday 8 AM St Peter's | 5:30 PM St Nicholas'Wednesday 8 AM St David's | 5:30 PM St Peter'sThursday 8 AM St Nicholas' | 5:30 PM St David's **************************************************It was with much sadness that the death of Frank Heald was announced on Wednesday of last week. Frank died suddenly leaving his family, friends and much of this town in complete shock. It is Frank’s money that has brought the vision of the Boathouse Centre to fruition at St Nic’s. We owe him a great debt of gratitude as will countless young people and their families in the future. Frank’s funeral will take place at St Nic’s sometime in November. Please remember his family in your prayers.All Saints and All Souls: All Saints’ Day falls on the 1st November each year and we will celebrate it next Sunday. It is a reminder of our connectedness as Christians to the church and our conviction that there is a spiritual connection between those in Heaven and on Earth. On All Saints’ there is a focus on saints and martyrs, known and unknown, whose faith and example have been passed on to us through the ages.All Souls’ Day falls on the 2nd November and is when we remember our own loved ones and all the faithful departed. With All Souls falling at the weekend this year, the names of our loved ones will be remembered during the Sunday service at 10.45. There is a sheet at the back of church for you to append the name(s) you wish to be remembered during that service. The lists of names will be placed on altar during the service, rather than being read out individually on this occasion. Later that evening there will be another service to which the families of all the funerals we have officiated at in the last twelve months have been invited. The names of their loved ones will be read out and they will have the opportunity to light a candle in remembrance. You are welcome to come along to this service to welcome and support our guests. We will be serving light refreshments at the end of the service.Please remember in your prayers: Jeff Chambers, Alf Fowler, Katie, Brian Brown, Mark Price, Debbie, Michael Carthy, Rev Jane Everett, Paul Sumner, Sandra Pratt, Michael, Chris Kelsall, Maurice Larsen and Elaine Clarke. And we remember Elsie Mathias, Frank Latus, Frank Heald, and Terrance Wells and their families as funeral arrangements are being made.