St Nicholas Parish Church Fleetwood. Week beginning 22nd October 2023 We seek to be a church that lives by faith, is known by love and is a voice of hope to the community we serve. Website Sunday 22nd October 8.30 am Holy Communion in Church 9.30 am Worship on Zoom 10.45 am Holy Communion in Church Sidespersons: Elizabeth & Margaret. Reader: Karen 4.00 pm Family & Co in the Broadway Rooms Tuesday 24th October 2.00 pm Holy Communion in Church 6.45 pm PCC will meet in the Vicarage Thursday 25th October 10.00 pm Community Coffee in the Jubilee Room Saturday 28th October 3.00 pm Wedding of Stacey & Liam Sunday 29th October 8.30 am Holy Communion in Church 9.30 am Worship on Zoom 10.45 am Holy Communion in Church Sidespersons: Susan & Christine. Reader: Sandra 12.30 pm Baptism of William Spencer Welcome & Set up: Judith 4.00 pm Family & Co in the Broadway Rooms 6.30 pm Community Prayers at Trinity Baptist Church ******************************* Today: We welcome Rev’d Kathryn Sperring as our guest preacher. Kathryn was ordained Deacon in July this year and is serving her title at St John’s Little Thornton. Harvest Celebrations: What a super Harvest we enjoyed again this year. It was lovely to welcome our Rainbows and lots of new faces too at our family Eucharist. Lunch was amazing and the auction great fun. Massive thanks to David, Joanne and the team for the planning, preparation and delivery of this event. Thank you also for all your generous donations which made it such a success. We sent £515 to the Bishop’s Harvest Appeal and a car load of food and groceries to Streetlife in Blackpool and the Pantry in Fleetwood. Raffle Tickets: Before we know it, the Christmas Fair will be upon us. It’s taking place this year on 25th November and we’ve all be asked to try to sell 5 books of raffle tickets to our friends and neighbours. If we could have the money and stubs back as soon as possible then we’ll be able to gauge how we’re doing. If you need any more just shout and we’ll be sure to get them to you. We are now receiving bottles, chocolates and Christmas gifts for the different stalls, but no pressure. Just give what you can, when you can, and that doesn’t mean every time we ask for something! Prayers for peace: As we grieve with our brothers and sisters in Christ and with all who live in the Land of the Holy One, please let us join in an outpouring of prayer in the name of the Prince of Peace. Heavenly Father, we pray for the many people whose lives have been torn apart by conflict in Israel and Gaza. We pray especially those who have died, those who are grieving, the injured and those now without food, shelter or medical supplies. Strengthen and support the work of all relief organisations. We pray also for those who have the power to bring peace. May they be touched by a spirit of compassion and kindness. Lord hear us as we pray in the power of your Spirit, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Please remember in your prayers: Peter Dell, Barry Ellis, Rev Jane Everitt, Rev Martin Keighley, Elizabeth King, Mark Price, Rebekah, and Craig Abson. And the families of Marion Wilson and Derek Fenton whose funerals are due to take place.
St Nicholas Parish Church Fleetwood. Week beginning 15th October 2023 We seek to be a church that lives by faith, is known by love and is a voice of hope to the community we serve. Website Sunday 15th October Harvest Festival 8.30 am Holy Communion in Church 9.30 am Worship on Zoom 10.45 am Holy Communion in Church Sidespersons: Karen & June. Reader: Joy 12.00 pm Jacob’s Join and Harvest fun in the Broadway Rooms 12.30 pm Baptisms of Elias and Michael McLoughlin Welcome and set up: Chris Butler 4.00 pm Family & Co in the Broadway Rooms Monday 16th October 12.00 pm Funeral of Jo Crosswell in Church Tuesday 17th October 10.15 am Funeral of William Greene in Church 2.00 pm Holy Communion in Church Thursday 19th October 12.45 pm Funeral of Arthur Armstrong in Church Friday 20th October 9.00 am Little Gang in the Broadway Rooms 12.30 pm Funeral of Emmi-Rae Taylor in Church Sunday 22nd October 8.30 am Holy Communion in Church 9.30 am Worship on Zoom 10.45 am Holy Communion in Church Sidespersons: Elizabeth & Margaret. Reader: Karen 4.00 pm Family & Co in the Broadway Rooms ******************************* Harvest Celebrations: We had a super Messy Church yesterday with lots of children and families attending from Little Gang and Family & Co, with some new faces too. Big thanks to all who were involved in the planning and delivery of it. Today we will have our own celebrations, giving thanks to God for his bountiful goodness to us and providing us with an opportunity to respond to those rich blessings. Items of dried food and tins will be collected and taken to Streetlife, a homeless charity in Blackpool and money raised from the ‘auction’ taking place at the Jacob’s Join lunch will be added to the donations already made to the Bishop’s Harvest Appeal. Edna Jenkins RIP: On Wednesday we had a service of thanksgiving in church as we said farewell to Edna who has been a loved member of St Nic’s for many years and a regular attender at the Tuesday Eucharist. Edna’s family are arranging for a bench in her memory to be placed on the Promenade looking out to sea, where she used to love to sit. If anyone would like to make a donation in memory of Edna you can do this through Co-op Funeral Directors in Cleveleys or alternatively the Vicar will be happy to pass your donations on to the family. John Richardson: Good news! John is recovering well and has returned home from hospital in the last few days. He has also been successful in obtaining a new flat which will aid his recuperation. At the back of church there is a list of items which would really help John get back on his feet. If you are able to provide anything from the list, would you be good enough to cross it off and bring it to the Vicarage this coming week? Alternatively ring the Vicarage and we’ll arrange to collect it from you. “And all the believers met together in one place and shared everything they had.” Acts 2:42 Please remember in your prayers: Peter Dell, Barry Ellis, Rev Jane Everitt, Rev Martin Keighley, John Richardson, Elizabeth King, Mark Price, Rebekah, and Craig Abson. And the families of Jo Crosswell, Emmi Rae Taylor, Arthur Armstrong and William Greene whose funerals are due to take place.
St Nicholas Parish Church Fleetwood. Week beginning 8th October 2023 We seek to be a church that lives by faith, is known by love and is a voice of hope to the community we serve. Website Sunday 8th October 8.30 am Communion by Extension in Church 9.30 am Worship on Zoom 10.45 am Holy Communion in Church Sidespersons: Judith & Dorothy W. Reader Elizabeth 12.30 pm Baptisms of India & Luca Macsymons Welcome and set up: Judith 4.00 pm Family & Co in the Broadway Rooms Tuesday 10th October 10.00 am Little Treasures Harvest Service in Church 2.00 pm Holy Communion in Church Wednesday 11th October 1.30 am Funeral of Edna Jenkins in Church Thursday 12th October 10.00 am Community Coffee Morning in the Jubilee Room Friday 13th October 9.00 am Little Gang in the Broadway Rooms Saturday 14th October 10.00 am Harvest Messy Church in the Broadway Rooms Sunday 15th October Harvest Festival 8.30 am Holy Communion in Church 9.30 am Worship on Zoom 10.45 am Holy Communion in Church Sidespersons: Karen & June. Reader: Joy 12.00 pm Jacob’s Join and Harvest fun in the Broadway Rooms 12.30 pm Baptisms of Elias and Michael McLoughlin 4.00 pm Family & Co in the Broadway Rooms ******************************* Dream Team Concert: Thank you to all who supported this charity concert in church on Saturday night. It was a super evening and good to see so many of the community turning out to support the Willow Garden Project. Massive thanks to David and Joanne who coordinated and hosted it on our behalf. Messy Church: Will take place in the Broadway Rooms from 10.00 am to 12.30 pm, this Saturday. Crafts, puppets, worship and lunch. We always need lots of helpers to look after our guests so come along and we’ll be sure to find you a job. Harvest festival: Next Sunday 15th October, please sign up at the back of church if you are joining us for lunch and if you are able to bring something to share at lunch, jot that down too. Donations of tins and dried foods are still being received, as are donations to the Bishop’s Harvest Appeal. Father, as we celebrate this season of thanksgiving, we give thanks for the blessings of food, provision and nourishment. Please grow in us a harvest for the world. Come sow a seed of hope within our souls Lord, that we might yield goodness, patience and kindness in abundance. Sow a seed of peace in our lives Lord, that we might bear the fruits of forgiveness, compassion and righteousness. Come sow a seed of love in our hearts Lord, that others would reap the blessings of family, friendship and community. May each seed of hope, peace and love grow within us into a harvest that can be feasted on by all. Amen. McVitie’s: The long-awaited advert has now been released and has caused quite a bit of activity on social media and the Vicarage phone! If you haven’t managed to see it you can watch it on our website! Also why not take a look at the Boathouse Youth summer video which is now also on the website. Please remember in your prayers: Peter Dell, Barry Ellis, Rev Jane Everitt, Rev Martin Keighley, John Richardson, Elizabeth King, Chris Kelsall, Michaela Jones, Mark Price, Rebekah, Colin Cook, Keith Shaw, Craig Abson and John Hawley. And the families of Jo Crosswell, Edna Jenkins, Emmi Rae Taylor, Arthur Armstrong and William Greene whose funerals are due to take place.
St Nicholas Parish Church Fleetwood. Week beginning 1st October 2023 We seek to be a church that lives by faith, is known by love and is a voice of hope to the community we serve. Website Sunday 1st October 8.30 am Holy Communion in Church 9.30 am Worship on Zoom 10.45 am Holy Communion in Church Sidespersons: Carole & Sandra. Reader: Margaret 4.00 pm Family & Co in the Broadway Rooms Monday 2nd October 11.30 am Funeral of Stuart Riley – Lytham Crematorium Tuesday 3rd October 2.00 pm Holy Communion in Church Wednesday 4th October 11.00 am Funeral of Janice Kemp in Church Thursday 5th October 10.00 am Community Coffee Morning in the Jubilee Room 11.30 am Funeral of John Hurst in Church Friday 6th October 9.00 am Little Gang in the Broadway Rooms Saturday 7th October 7.00 pm Dream Team Singers – Concert in Church Sunday 8th October 8.30 am Communion by Extension in Church 9.30 am Worship on Zoom 10.45 am Holy Communion in Church Sidespersons: Judith & Dorothy W. Reader Elizabeth 12.30 pm Baptisms of India & Luca Macsymons Welcome and set up: Judith 4.00 pm Family & Co in the Broadway Rooms ******************************* Dream Team Concert: We do now have some tickets for this event on Saturday night. Please see Joanne. Tickets will also be available on the door at a cost of £5 each. Harvest festival: Sunday 15th October, please sign up at the back of church if you are joining us for lunch and if you are able to bring something to share at lunch, jot that down too. Bishop’s Harvest Appeal: Full details of this appeal can be found on our website or on the Diocesan website. Envelopes for donations are available at the back of church and can be returned to the collection plates today and on Sunday 8th and 15th October. 100 Club: Winners during the month of September were, Christine McLellan, Carole Pilling, Judith Crosby, Cath Shuttleworth, Linda Cawley, Jeannette Norman, Maureen Siddall, Muriel Freestone, Dorothy Calderbanks, Dorothy Cox, Christopher Ashworth, Gordon Roberts, Julie Lyon and Bernice Meekins. Congratulations and thank you for supporting St Nic’s in this way. 29th September: On Friday the Church celebrated the feast of Michaelmas. Michaelmas is a shortened form of “Michael’s Mass” (just like Christmas is a shortened form of Christ’s Mass). It is also known as the feast of St Michael and All Angels. At the heart of Michaelmas is the recognition of the reality and presence of angelic beings, the Heavenly Host, and their participation and ultimate victory in the war against darkness. Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel are the 4 named biblical angels, depicted as the beloved messengers of God. A basilica near Rome was dedicated in the 5th century in honour of Michael on 30 September, beginning with celebrations on the eve of that day and so 29 September is now kept in honour of Michael throughout the western Church. Everlasting God, you have ordained and constituted the ministries of angels and mortals in a wonderful order: grant that as your holy angels always serve you in heaven, so, at your command, they may help and defend us on earth; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen Please remember in your prayers: Peter Dell, Rev Jane Everitt, Rev Martin Keighley, John Richardson, Elizabeth King, Chris Kelsall, Michaela Jones, Mark Price, Rebekah, Colin Cook, Keith Shaw, Craig Abson and John Hawley. And the families of John Hurst, Janice Kemp, Jo Crosswell, Edna Jenkins, Emmi Rae Taylor and Stuart Riley whose funerals are due to take place.