St Nicholas Parish Church Fleetwood. Week beginning 18th December 2022
We seek to be a church that lives by faith, is known by love and is a voice of hope to the community we serve.
Sunday 18th December
8.30 am Holy Communion in Church
9.30 am Worship via Zoom
10.45 am Holy Communion in Church Sides persons Susan & Christine. Reader - Margaret
4.00 pm Family & Co in the Broadway Rooms
6.30 pm Nine Lessons and Carols with Thornton Cleveleys Band in Church
Monday 19th December
12.30 pm Funeral of Audrey Ross in Church
Tuesday 20th December
11.30 am Funeral of Annie Bates in Church
2.00 pm Holy Communion in Church
Thursday 22nd December
10.00 am Community Christmas Coffee Morning, with carols in the Jubilee Room
5.30 pm Crib Service in Church
11.30 pm Midnight Holy Communion
Christmas Day
10.45 am Holy Communion in Church followed by mince pies and drinks at the Vicarage
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Here at St Nicholas, we’ve had a busy December with lots of different events and services which have brought the church family together with the community and the local schools. We have much to be grateful for, not least the band of volunteers who have given so freely of their time and resources to make these occasions happen.
As we approach the end of year it’s natural to look back on 2022, recalling the joys and sadness’s of which there have been many, not just for us as individuals but for us as a nation and a world. One of those sad occasions was the passing of our Queen. This Christmas will be the first time since 1957 that Queen Elizabeth II will not be addressing the nation. Her first Christmas broadcast came from Sandringham House. It was an historic event, because this was the first time that the public could see and hear the queen thanks to what she described as the 'new medium' of television. As we journey through these final days of Advent in preparation for our Christmas celebrations it’s worth remembering some of the wise words she shared with us, in a public expression of her faith:
*God sent into the world a unique person – neither a philosopher nor a general … but a Saviour, with the power to forgive. Forgiveness lies at the heart of the Christian faith. … It is my prayer that … we all might find room in our lives for the message of the angels and for the love of God through Christ our Lord. (2011)
*Despite being displaced and persecuted throughout his short life, Christ’s unchanging message was not one of revenge or violence but simply that we should love one another. (2015)
*Jesus Christ lived obscurely for most of his life, and never travelled far. He was maligned and rejected by many, though he had done no wrong. And yet, billions of people now follow his teaching and find in him the guiding light for their lives. I am one of them because Christ’s example helps me see the value of doing small things with great love, whoever does them and whatever they themselves believe. (2016)
May the joy of the angels, the eagerness of the shepherds, the perseverance of the wise men, the obedience of Joseph and Mary, and the peace of the Christ-child be yours this Christmas.
Christmas Wishes – Beryl Clarkson sends her good wishes to you at Christmas. Nancy Burr wishes the church family a happy Christmas and good health in 2023. Berny McCarthy sends her love and best wishes to you in this Holy season.
Please remember in your prayers – Rev Jane Everitt, Tony Hardman, Rev Martin Keighley, Gillian & Elizabeth King, Chris Kelsall, Michaela Jones, Kathryn Pendleton, Jean Wright, Cath Chambers, Peter Keitch, Emily Lowe, Peter Hollier & Mark Price. Please also remember the families of Audrey Ross, Annie Bates, Jean Watson, Patricia Fallows and Margaret Crawshaw whose funerals are due to take place.