St Nicholas Parish Church Fleetwood. Week beginning 31st July 2022
We seek to be a church that lives by faith, is known by love and is a voice of hope
to the community we serve.
Sunday 31st July
8.30 am Holy Communion in Church
9.30 am Worship via Zoom
10.45 am Holy Communion in Church Sides persons – Karen & June Reader – Phil
Tuesday 2nd August
2.00 pm Holy Communion in Church
Wednesday 3rd August
10.45 am Funeral of Thomas Logue in Church
Thursday 4th August
10.00 am Community Coffee Morning
Friday 5th August
11.15 am Funeral of Fred Cartmell in Church
8.30 am Holy Communion in Church
9.30 am Worship via Zoom
10.45 am Holy Communion in Church Sides persons – Susan & Christine Reader – Joy
12.30 am Baptisms of Posie and Dylan-Jae Welcome and Set-up Margaret Kershaw
A Defibrillator – In loving memory of Ann Howarth has now been installed by the notice board on the outside wall of the Broadway Rooms. A slate plaque will be placed next to it very shortly. The PCC made a charitable donation of £700 towards the cost of this equipment.
Friday 29th July - is the day in the church’s year that we celebrate the Feast of Mary, Martha and Lazarus. The gospels describe how Mary, Martha and their brother Lazarus gave Jesus hospitality in their home at Bethany outside Jerusalem. Jesus is said to have loved all three. After Lazarus' death, he wept and was moved by the sisters' grief to bring Lazarus back from the dead. Martha recognised Jesus as the Messiah, while Mary anointed his feet and, on another occasion, was commended by Jesus for her attentiveness to his teaching while Martha served. From this, Mary is traditionally taken to be an example of the contemplative life and Martha an example of the active spiritual life.
In a sermon in Bath Abbey the other week the Preacher asked the congregation to raise their hand if they associated more with Mary or with Martha. What about you? Are you a Mary or a Martha, or a bit of both? One thing is for sure, God has provided all we need to be the active, living body of Christ in this place at this time. Just let’s be the people God has called us to be, nothing less and nothing more!
Summer Hols – Speaking of hospitality, it’s hard to believe that Monday sees the beginning of August and for many a well-earned rest is on the cards. Ministry and parish work is ongoing but one hopes that there will be fewer meetings to attend in the community and around the diocese. On that basis, and with three years into the ‘job’, if you would like the Vicar to call for a cuppa and a catch up, please do feel able to ring the Vicarage (874402) and arrange a suitable time. Be assured, it is one of the great joys of being a parish priest, so don’t be shy! The Vicar is never too busy for a brew.
100 Club – Publication of winners will be updated next week!
Please remember in your prayers – Rev Jane Everitt, Tony and Maureen Hardman, Rev Martin Keighley, Gillian King, Fiona, Eily, and Mike Rimmer. Also, the families of Tom Logue and Fred Cartmell whose funerals are due to take place this coming week.