Weekly News Sheet

St Nicholas Parish Church Fleetwood. Week beginning 12th June 2022

We seek to be a church that lives by faith, is known by love and is a voice of hope

to the community we serve.

Website https://www.achurchnearyou.com/church/11671

Sunday 12th June

8.30 am Holy Communion in Church

9.30 am Worship via Zoom

10.45 am Holy Communion in Church Sides persons – Judith & Dorothy: Reader - Margaret

Tuesday 14th June

2.00 pm Holy Communion in Church

3.45 pm Hymn Practise in the Jubilee Room – Come if you like singing!

Thursday 16th June

10.00 am Community Coffee Morning

10.30 am Funeral of Christine Jones at Carleton

Friday 17th June

9.00 am St Nic’s Little Gang in the Broadway Rooms

Saturday 18th June

12.00 pm Fleetwood Carnival from Marine Hall – Starring St Nic’s Little Super Heros and Princesses

Sunday 19th June

8.30 am Holy Communion in Church

9.30 am Worship via Zoom

10.45 am Holy Communion in Church Sides persons – Susan & Christine: Reader - Joy

12.30 pm Baptisms of Lake Reeve and Marissa Benson-Halliwell Welcomer and Set-up – Dorothy Warren

6.30 pm Licensing of Assistant Archdeacons at Lancaster Priory

Trinity Sunday - is the first Sunday after Pentecost and it is a day when our focus turns to the Holy Trinity — the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Although the word “trinity” does not appear in Scripture, it is taught in Matthew 28:18-20 and 2 Corinthians 13:14 and many other bible passages. The concept of the trinity can never be completely understood or rationalized, but it is clearly taught in Scripture. It is appropriate that this mystery is celebrated on the first Sunday after Pentecost, when the outpouring of the Holy Spirit first occurred.

On Trinity Sunday we try to explain, to the best of our ability, the clues written in Scripture which guide us to a fuller understanding of our triune God. The Father is God from the beginning (John 1:1); Jesus revealed Himself as equal to the Father in John 10:30, “I and the Father are one.” Together, they sent the Holy Spirit (John 14:26). “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19).

God for us, we call You Father, God alongside us, we call You Jesus,

God within us, we call You Holy Spirit.

Greeting Cards – We have been generously gifted a selection of handmade cards which are now on display at the back of church. We suggest a minimum donation of £1/card and funds raised from their sale will be put towards our pending roof repairs.

Phil’s Licensing – During the 10.45 service on Sunday 26th June, Phil will be licensed as a Lay Minister to St Nicholas Church by the Warden of Lay Ministry, Mrs Ruth Haldane. Immediately following the service, we are having a Jacob’s Join lunch in the hall to officially welcome Phil (and Janet). Please save the date and on the day if you are able, bring a plate of something to share!

100 Club - Winners last week were June Young, Sarah Quirk and Freda Wayman

Please remember in your prayers – Rev Jane Everitt, Tony Hardman, Rev Martin Keighley, Gillian King, Alison Horobin, Harry Pendlebury, Edna Jenkins, Margaret McMillan and Berny McCarthy. And also, the families of Christine Jones, Jean Houghton, Lloyd Makin and Margery Barry, whose funerals are due to take place.