St Nicholas Parish Church Fleetwood. Week beginning 5th June 2022
We seek to be a church that lives by faith, is known by love and is a voice of hope
to the community we serve.
8.30 am Holy Communion in Church
9.30 am Worship via Zoom
10.45 am Holy Communion in Church Sides persons – Carole & Sandra: Reader - Karen
12.30 pm Baptism of Olivia Doherty Welcomer and Set up – Ruth Aspinall
1.30 pm Baptisms of River and Raffie Wallbank
Monday 6th June
11.00 am Funeral of Kenneth Jackson at Carleton
Tuesday 7th June
2.00 pm Holy Communion in Church
3.45 pm Hymn Practise in the Jubilee Room – Come if you like singing!
Thursday 8th June
10.00 am Community Coffee Morning
7.30 pm Churchwardens Commissioning at Lancaster Priory
Friday 10th June
9.00 am St Nic’s Little Gang in the Broadway Rooms
8.30 am Holy Communion in Church
9.30 am Worship via Zoom
10.45 am Holy Communion in Church Sides persons – Judith & Dorothy: Reader - Margaret
Pentecost - The Day of Pentecost marks fifty days since Easter Day and brings the Easter season to an end. It is a major feast of the Church’s year when we recall how God’s Holy Spirit was given to the disciples after Jesus’ ascension, empowering them to begin the work of making disciples of all nations. Jesus had promised his followers that, although they would not see him after his Ascension, they would receive the Holy Spirit to guide and inspire them.
The Acts of the Apostles describes how the crowds gathered in Jerusalem – representing many nationalities and speaking many languages – were able to hear the disciples preaching in their own language.
The colour most often associated with Pentecost is red, representing the tongues of fire which the Acts of the Apostles describes appearing above the heads of the disciples as a sign that they had received the Holy Spirit. It is the same Holy Spirit who empowers us today to be the people of God in this place and at this time. Without the Holy Spirit we can do nothing.
Breathe in me O Holy Spirit that my thoughts may all be holy; Act in me O Holy Spirit
that my works, too, may be holy; Draw my heart O Holy Spirit that I may love that which is holy.
Strengthen me O Holy Spirit to defend all that is holy; Guard me then O Holy Spirit
that I always may be holy. St. Augustine of Hippo (AD 354-430)
The Boathouse – On Wednesday 1st June, Wyre Council approved the plans to build our new Youth Centre! Whilst it won’t happen overnight, we can give thanks to God for answered prayers and begin now to pray that the resources to run the centre will become available. Not just financial resources but the right people too!
100 Club - Winners last week were David Ashworth, Mavis Evans and Samantha Palinczuk,
Please remember in your prayers – Rev Jane Everitt, Tony Hardman, Rev Martin Keighley, Gillian King, Alison Horobin, Harry Pendlebury, Edna Jenkins, and Berny McCarthy. And also, the families of Christine Jones, Jean Houghton and Kenneth Jackson whose funerals are due to take place.