St Nicholas Parish Church, Fleetwood. Week beginning 24th April 2022
We seek to be a church that lives by faith, is known by love and is a voice of hope
to the community we serve.
8.30 am Holy Communion in Church
9.30 am Worship via Zoom
10.45 am Holy Communion in Church. Sides persons – Elizabeth & Margaret: Reader - Karen
12.00 pm Annual Parish Council Meeting (AGM) in Church
1.30 pm Baptism of Theo Burgess Welcomer and set up Dorothy Angel
Tuesday 26th April
2.00 pm Holy Communion in Church
3.00 pm Hymn Practise in church. All welcome
Wednesday 27th April
11.00 am Funeral of Barbara Buckley in Church
1.15 pm Funeral of Frank McCabe at Carleton
7.30 pm Churches Together in Fleetwood – Methodist Church
Thursday 28th April
10.00 am Community Coffee Morning
Friday 29th April
9.00 am St Nic’s Little Gang in the Broadway Rooms
Saturday 30th April
3.00 pm Marriage of Ashley and Lee
Sunday 1st May
8.30 am Holy Communion in Church
9.30 am Worship via Zoom
10.45 am Holy Communion in Church. Sides persons – Carol & Sandra: Reader - Elizabeth
12.30 am Baptisms of Everley Jones and Elliott Fitzgerald-Stephens Welcomer and set up Berny
A MASSIVE BIG THANK YOU! to everyone who helped to make Holy Week and Easter Day extra special at St Nic’s this year. It was a joy to welcome families and connections we’ve made through Little Gang to Messy Church on Good Friday and to continue our Easter Day Celebrations well into the afternoon with fun and food and fellowship.
It has to be said that the Church goes a little crazy at Easter, having spent 40 days in Lent taking a hard look at our sins, we go wild with bells, lilies, trumpets, song, and “alleluias” proclaiming our joy that God, in raising Jesus from the dead, will also raise us to eternal life “on the last day”. But...come Monday morning, most of us church folk pack up our “alleluias” and go back to our so-called life, the one we mostly sleep-walk through, just making do, as though death had won after all.
Here’s the thing. The love that brought Jesus back from death on that first Easter morning, is pouring down on all of us, every moment, every day, so that we can truly live, here and now, beyond the deadness of guilt, shame, fear, boredom, despair, hate, whatever. We can’t earn it, buy it, steal it, demand it, or deserve it. Easter proclaims again a God who cannot help but adore each one of us. No matter what. And because God is God, he gets to say how love works. So, let’s live the joy of Easter Day every day. Yes, life can be hard, it can be challenging and at times heart breaking, but Jesus’ resurrection changed everything, we are loved and love always wins!! Alleluia, Christ is risen. He is risen indeed, Alleluia.
100 Club - Winners last week were David Meekins, Paula Meekins and Nancy Burr. The large Easter winners David Meekins, Muriel Freestone, Peter Dell, Sarah Quirk and Keith/ Kath Parker.
Please remember in your prayers – Fr Ron, Rev Jane Everitt, Heather, Jenny, Jillian Muir, Tony Hardman Eddie Gillon, Rev Martin Keighley, Gillian King, Edna Wilkinson, Alison Horrobin, Harry Pendlebury and Christine Jones. And also, the families of Barbara Buckley, Doris Lemon and Frank McCabe whose funerals are due to take place.