Weekly News Sheet

 St Nicholas Parish Church, Fleetwood. Week beginning 10th April 2022

We seek to be a church that lives by faith, is known by love and is a voice of hope

to the community we serve.

Website https://www.achurchnearyou.com/church/11671

Sunday 10th April - Palm Sunday

8.30 am Holy Communion in Church

9.30 am Worship via Zoom

10.45 am Holy Communion in Church Sides persons – Susan & Christine; Reader – Joy

Tuesday 12th April

10.30 am Funeral of Peter Taylor at Carleton

2.00 pm Holy Communion

7.00 pm Stations of the Cross in Church

Wednesday 13th April

7.00 pm Stations of the Cross via Zoom

Thursday 14th April Maundy Thursday

10.00 am Community Coffee Morning

10.30 am Chrism Mass at Blackburn Cathedral

7.00 pm Holy Communion with stripping of the altar

Good Friday 15th April

9.45 am Holy Communion from the reserved sacrament

10.30 am Messy Easter & Picnic in Broadway Rooms (until 1.00 pm)

2.00 pm The last hour at the cross

7.30 pm Sunset Service (Churches Together) Meet on the Lower Prom by the Sea Cadets

Easter Day 17th April

6.30 am Sunrise Service (Churches Together) On the Mount

8.30 am Easter Holy Communion in Church

9.30 am Easter worship via Zoom

10.45 am Easter Holy Communion in Church

12.30 pm Easter Baptisms

1.00 pm Jacob’s Join and Easter Bonnet Parade & Celebration

Today on Zoom and at the 10.45 service we will hear a dramatized version of the narrative of the passion. I used to wonder why we read this on Palm Sunday, a day of rejoicing and jubilation as we remember Jesus riding into Jerusalem amid throngs of cheering people. Perhaps you’ve wondered too? The passion of Jesus, by that we mean the suffering of Jesus in his final days on earth, is usually read twice in our liturgy: once on Palm Sunday, when the account is taken from one of the synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark or Luke), and again on Good Friday, when John’s Gospel is proclaimed.

On Palm Sunday, the liturgy is like an overture for all of Holy Week: At the beginning of our worship today, palms will be blessed and a short Gospel will be read describing Jesus’ triumphal entrance into Jerusalem riding on a donkey. The liturgy for Palm Sunday begins in triumph, but quickly, there looms the shadow of the cross. In fact, the joy of Christ’s followers on the first Palm Sunday was short-lived.

So if you’re in church today and don’t return until next Sunday, then at least you will have heard the Passion read!

Let us walk this week together with our Lord to the cross and beyond and let us remember the miracle of His resurrection and His endless love.

100+ Club - Winners last week were Nancy Burr, David Meekins and Dorothy Cox.

Please remember in your prayers – Fr Ron, Rev Jane Everitt, Heather, Jenny, Jillian Muir, Tony Hardman Eddie Gillon, Rev Martin Keighley, Gillian King, Edna Wilkison and Christine Jones. And also, the families Lynn Hepburn and Peter Taylor whose funerals are due to take place.