St Nicholas Parish Church, Fleetwood. Week beginning 13th February 2022
We seek to be a church that lives by faith, is known by love and is a voice of hope
to the community we serve.
Diocesan Vision Prayer
Heavenly Father, we embrace Your call for us to make disciples, to be witnesses, to grow leaders and inspire children and young people. Give us eyes to see Your vision, ears to hear the prompting of Your Spirit and courage to follow in the footsteps of your Son, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Sunday 13th February
8.30 am Holy Communion in Church
9.30 am Worship via Zoom
10.45 am Holy Communion in Church Sides persons – Karen & June: Reader – Elizabeth
Tuesday 15th February
2.00 pm Holy
Communion in Church
3.30 pm Hymn Practise in the Jubilee Room – all are welcome
7.00 pm PCC Meet in the Jubilee Room
Thursday 17th February
10.00 am Community Coffee Morning in the Jubilee Room
Friday 18th February
12.30 pm Funeral of Paul Terpet in Church
Saturday 19th February
10.00 am Alpha - Session 6 in the Broadway Rooms
8.30 am Holy Communion in Church
9.30 am Worship via Zoom
10.45 am Holy Communion in Church Sides persons – Carol & Sandra: Reader – Karen
Beatitudes – Some would say that our Gospel reading today from Luke chapter 6 is Luke’s account of the Sermon on the Mount, which Matthew records in Matthew 5-7. It may be on the other hand, that Jesus gave similar sermons on several different occasions. It matters not. The beatitudes, (from the Latin word meaning ‘blessing’), describe what it means to be Christ’s follower. They express standards of conduct and contrast kingdom values with worldly values. They contrast fake piety with true humility. Pope Francis is quoted as saying, “The best description of Christians, in fact, their identity card, is found in the beatitudes from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount.” And, he said, “As Christian saints have done throughout the ages, Christ's followers today are called ‘to confront the troubles and anxieties of our age with the spirit and love of Jesus.’" There are a number of examples where good meaning folk have attempted to modernise Jesus’ teaching. Here is one…...
Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves; they will have no end of fun.
Blessed are those who can tell a mountain from a molehill; they will be saved a lot of trouble.
Blessed are those who know how to relax without looking for excuses; they are on the way to becoming wise.
Blessed are those who know when to be quiet and listen; they will learn a lot of new things.
Blessed are those who are sane enough not to take themselves too seriously; they will be valued by those around them.
Happy are those who can take small things seriously, and take serious things calmly; they will go far in life.
Happy are those who can be kind in understanding the attitudes of others; they may be taken for fools, but that is the price of charity.
Happy are those that can appreciate a smile, and forget a frown; they will walk in the sunshine.
Blessed are they who think before acting, and pray before thinking; they will avoid many blunders.
Blessed are they who recognise the Spirit in all whom they meet; the light of truth will shine in their lives.
100+ Club - Winners last week were Suzanne King, Dorothy Angel and Bernice Meekins
Please remember in your prayers – Fr Ron, Rev Jane Everitt, Heather, Eddie Gillon, Bishop Julian, Rev Martin Keighley, Hilary, Margaret Taziker & Gillian King. And also, the families of Paul Terpet, Susan Barry, Daniel Reid, Ann Howarth, Holly Egan and Harry Fisher whose funerals are due to take place.