St Nicholas Parish Church, Fleetwood. Week beginning 23rd January 2022
We seek to be a church that lives by faith, is known by love and is a voice of hope
to the community we serve.
Sunday 23rd January
8.30 am Holy Communion in Church
9.30 am Worship via Zoom
10.45 am Holy Communion in Church Sidespersons – Jillian & Dorothy: Reader - Margaret
Tuesday 25th January
2.00 pm Holy Communion in Church
7.00 pm PCC Meet to discuss parish development
Thursday 27th January
9.30 am Poulton Deanery Chapter
10.00 am Community Coffee Morning in the Jubilee Room
3.30 pm Funeral of Harold Emlsey at Carleton
Friday 28th January
9.00 am St Nic’s Little Gang
Saturday 29th January
10.00 am Alpha - Session 3 in the Broadway Rooms
8.30 am Holy Communion in Church
9.30 am Worship via Zoom
10.45 am Holy Communion in Church
Coronavirus Plan B is to be relaxed in stages. This means that from January 27th face coverings will no longer be required by law to be worn in church. However, the updated Government Guidance states that ‘you should continue to wear a face covering in crowded and indoor spaces where you may continue to come into contact with people you do not normally meet.’ Our advice is therefore that face coverings should continue to be worn in church. This cannot be imposed on individuals who choose not to do so, but as a church family we have managed to stay safe throughout the pandemic as we have carefully navigated our way through, by implementing and changing restrictions as and when we have thought it right to do so. Let’s continue to be cautious as we move to what we hope is the final straight!
Boris, Andrew and Novak – There won’t be many of us who haven’t caught something in the news about the goings on in No 10, New York and Australia. The fury aroused by all three stories comes from the same underlying principle: no-one, no matter how rich, powerful, or talented, should be above the law. Instead, people in positions of influence should set an example for, even serve, the rest of us. We can hope that, at least in these cases, the powerful may be held to account. Whatever the outcomes of lawsuits and inquiries, we can celebrate where justice is done and where wrongful actions have consequences. But as much as we want to lambast those who flaunt rules, and celebrate when justice floods a situation, perhaps this is also an opportunity to reflect on our daily choices. Following the example of Jesus, how might we serve with love and empathy this week?
Gracious God, instead of me channelling my energy into judging others, help me to channel energy into serving you and those I encounter this week with love and empathy. Amen.
100+ Club - Winners last week were Chris Jones, Christine McLellan and Jillian Muir
Please remember in your prayers – Fr Ron, Rev Jane, Heather, Eddie Gillon, Baby Milly & Gillian King. And also, the families of, Harold Emsley, Paul Terpet and Leanne Potter whose funerals are due to take place.