Weekly News Sheet

St Nicholas Parish Church, Fleetwood. Week beginning 12th December 2021

We seek to be a church that lives by faith, is known by love and is a voice of hope

to the community we serve.


Sunday 12th December

8.30 am Holy Communion in Church

9.30 am Worship via Zoom

10.45 am Holy Communion in Church Sidespersons – Carole & Sandra: Reader - Karen

Tuesday 14th December

2.00 pm Holy Communion in Church

3.30 pm Hymn Practise for 9 Lessons & Carols

7.00 pm PCC Meet at the Vicarage

Wednesday 15th December

10.00 am Charles Saer’s Christmas Carols and Nativity

Thursday 16th December

10.00 am Community Coffee in the Jubilee Room

10.00 am Shakespeare Primary, Nativity

Friday 17th December

9.00 am St Nic’s Little Gang & Nativity in the Broadway Rooms

Saturday 18th December

12.00 pm Christmas Carol Singing in the Car Park with hot drinks and mince pies

Sunday 19th December

8.30 am Holy Communion in Church

9.30 am Worship via Zoom

10.45 am Holy Communion in Church Sidespersons – Jillian & Dorothy: Reader - Margaret

4.00 pm Nine Lessons and Carols in Church

Coronavirus - The omicron variant of COViD-19 appears to be more infectious than previous variants including the delta variant, and as a result the government has moved to Plan B. The Prime Minister is clear that Christmas events need not be cancelled, and Churches should continue with their plans for worship over the next weeks. However, we are required to reintroduce the wearing of masks during indoor, in-person public worship, until further notice. All the other precautions that we already have in place will continue. Please take great care to protect yourself and those around you and do test yourself regularly if you are able.

Christmas Wishes Beryl Clarkson would like to wish you and your loved ones a very happy Christmas and sends her good wishes for the New Year. Nancy Burr also sends her love and good wishes at this special time to you and yours. Rather than sending cards both Beryl and Nancy, who worship via Zoom each Sunday, have donated to church funds.

Last weekendThank you again to everyone who helped, planned, or supported the Christmas Fair and Patronal Vigil. It was a great weekend and the Bishop had nothing but praise for the progress we are making.

A Prayer - O Lord, you are the light that guides my feet. You are the map that gives me direction. You are the peace that makes me strong. You are the leader whom I faithfully follow. May your light illuminate my life and your guidance bring direction. May I find inspiration in your word and peace in my heart as I follow you. Amen.

100 Club: Winners last week were Dorothy Cox, Margaret Pook, and Joanne Ashworth

Please remember in your prayers – Fr Ron, Jane, Jeanette, Heather, Michael, Alan Fleming, Eddie Gillon & Gillian King.