Weekly News Sheet

St Nicholas Parish Church, Fleetwood. Week beginning 28th November 2021

We seek to be a church that lives by faith, is known by love and is a voice of hope

to the community we serve.

For our website google “St Nicholas Church Fleetwood”

Sunday 28th November – Advent Sunday

8.30 am Holy Communion in Church

9.30 am Worship via Zoom

10.45 am Holy Communion in Church Sidespersons – Susan & Christine: Reader - Sandra

12.30 pm Baptism of Joseph Wells Set up and welcome – Susan Burrell

1.30 pm Baptism of Rose Thompson Set up and welcome – Margaret Kershaw

6.30 pm Advent Carols and Readings

Monday 29th November

11.30 am Funeral of Nick Evans in Church

Tuesday 30th November

2.00 pm Holy Communion in Church

3.30 pm Hymn Practise for Patronal Festival

Thursday 2nd December

9.30 am Funeral of David Langlois at Carleton

10.00 am Community Coffee Morning – Jubilee Room - All welcome!

Friday 3rd December

9.00 am St Nic’s Little Gang in the Broadway Rooms

10.00 am Funeral of Eric Parkinson at Carleton

11.45 am Funeral of Doreen Nelson at Carleton

Saturday 4th December

10.00 am St Nicholas’ Christmas Fair

Sunday 5th December

8.30 am Holy Communion in Church

9.30 am Worship via Zoom

10.45 am Holy Communion in Church Sidespersons – Karen & June: Reader - Elizabeth

12.30 pm Baptism of Jorgie Brunt Set up and welcome – Ruth Aspinall

6.30 pm Patronal Vigil and Eucharist

Advent Booklets At the back of church, you will find this year’s Advent Reflections, a daily reading and thought for each day. Please take a booklet for yourself and join with us and the Diocese as we journey through Advent together. There are extra copies if you wish to pass one on to a friend or neighbour.

Advent Sunday Carols – Tonight in church there will be Advent readings, a reflection, prayers and carols to mark the beginning of the season. The music group from Emmanuel Fleetwood will provide some of the worship. It would be lovely to see you.

Christmas FairThere is still time to buy tickets for the grand draw and to hand in any bottles or gifts for the different stalls. Lots of planning and preparation has been done to make this a Fair to remember so invite your friends and family and together let’s enjoy a bit of St Nic’s famous hospitality and welcome.

Next Sunday Evening – Is our Patronal Festival. Bishop Julian will be presiding and preaching and our friends from St Chad’s and St Hilda’s have been invited to join us. Please make a special effort to attend this service and if you need a lift then don’t be shy…just ask! The heating will be on and refreshments will be served!

100 Club: Winners last week were Dorothy Angel, Alison Horobin and Bernice Meekins

Please remember in your prayers - Jane, Jeanette, Heather, Michael, Alan Fleming, Gillian King, Eddie Gillon and John Wood whose needs at this time are known to God. And please pray too for Nick Evans, David Langlois, Eric Parkinson and Doreen Nelson whose funerals are due to take place and for their families too.