St Nicholas Parish Church, Fleetwood
Week beginning 12th September 2021
Sunday 12th September
8.30 am Cancelled
9.30 am Cancelled
10.45 am Holy Communion in Church – Rev Canon Dick Cartmell
Sidespersons - Elizabeth & Margaret: Reader - Joy
Monday 13th September
2.45 pm Funeral of Adrian Parkin at Carleton
Tuesday 14th September
2.00 pm Holy Communion in Church
Friday 17th September
9.00 am Launch of St Nic’s Little Gang in the Broadway Rooms
Saturday 18th September
3.00 pm Karen Hay’s licensing at Blackburn Cathedral
Sunday 19th September
8.30 am Holy Communion in Church
9.30 am Worship via Zoom
10.45 am Holy Communion in Church
Sidespersons – Susan & Christine: Reader - Sandra
12.30 pm Baptism of Henry Green
1.30 pm Baptism of Bonnie-Leigh Jackson
Authorised Lay Ministry- Next Saturday at Blackburn Cathedral, Karen Hay will officially be licensed as a Lay Minister, having undertaken a Diocesan course in 2020-2021. The ALM training programme is designed to nurture and equip people from diverse backgrounds and perspectives who bring a variety of gifts to the body of Christ. We give thanks to God for Karen and look forward to supporting her in this important ministry going forward.
Lord, you call us by our names. Help us to be confident in our own unique identity. To find opportunities to develop our specific gifts and our passions. Enable us to hear and recognise the call of Jesus in our lives, and those of others. Help us to find appropriate and life-giving ways to spread your Good News in a way which draws others to you and helps them experience your radical and extraordinary love. Amen.
Thursday Coffee Mornings- It seems an age ago since we met monthly on a Thursday for coffee and a catch up in the Jubilee Room. Well, the good news is that we are making plans to relaunch it. Going forward it will be advertised as a ‘Community Coffee Morning’ and it will move to weekly rather than monthly. Clearly this is going to require willing volunteers to prepare, brew up and welcome those who attend. Is this something you and a friend could help with? If we had six or eight willing couples then it would share the load! Please see the Vicar to sign up.
Windows – All the groundwork, planning and permission has now been completed for the replacement of the windows in the East and West sides of the church tower. Work is due to commence the week beginning 27th September. There will be scaffolding erected inside and outside of church for a period of about 2 weeks. Please do pray for everything to go smoothly, for the safety of the workforce and the community.
100 Club
Winners last week were:
Maureen Siddall, Christine McLellan and Margaret Taziker
Please add to your prayers; - Nigel, Helen, Jane, Margaret, Elliott, Janet, Nick, Heather and Maureen, whose needs at this time are known to God.