St Nicholas Parish Church, Fleetwood
Week beginning 25th July 2021
Please continue to take great care in church. Face coverings are still required.
Sunday 25th July
8.30 am Holy Communion in Church
9.30 am Worship via Zoom
10.45 am Holy Communion in Church
Sidespersons - Carole & Sandra: Reader - Karen
12.30 pm Baptism of William James Taylor-Smith
1.30 pm Baptism of Finlee and Frankee O’Malley
2.30 pm Baptism of Lily Reina Hearn
Tuesday 27th July
10.00 am Funeral of Karen Doran RIP in Church
2.00 pm Holy Communion in Church
Sunday 1st August
8.30 am Holy Communion in Church
9.30 am Worship via Zoom
10.45 am Holy Communion in Church
Sidespersons – Dorothy W & Ruth: Reader - Margaret
Lifting of Covid Restrictions – Last Sunday following the 10.45 am service we held an open discussion regarding the new options available to us as we enter into a climate of personal responsibility. There was a clear desire by most of the congregation to continue with all the restrictions we presently have in place. Track and trace, face coverings, social distancing and hand sanitising will therefore continue in the meantime. Communion in ‘one kind’ will also continue. From this week we will introduce an opening and closing hymn at the 10.45 am service which can be sung by the congregation from behind a face covering. We will also recommence refreshments after the service which will be served in the main hall in the Broadway Rooms. Please continue to take great care. We are in a third wave and infection rates in Wyre are rising dramatically.
Refreshments– If we are having tea and coffee after the 10.45 service then we are looking to draw up a rota of volunteers to brew up, serve and clear up. Please see Ruth if you are able to help.
Church Sitting- Are you able to offer 90 minutes once a week/fortnight to enable us to keep the church open each weekday for private prayer? We really need more volunteers. Please see Karen.
CCTV – Over the past few months the PCC has been discussing the pros and cons of having CCTV installed in church. There have been a couple of incidents of late which may have been avoided had the perpetrator known that we had security cameras in situ. The good news is that this week our new system has been installed. We hope that more than anything it will serve as a deterrent to would be thieves. Sincere thanks to Brain Pendlebury for overseeing the installation.
100 Club
Many thanks to Trudie and Phil who have drawn out the winning numbers during lockdown, This week we will resume drawing these during refreshments after the 10.45 service. Winning names will be published on the following Sunday’s news sheet.
Please continue to pray …… for Elsie and Gerald, Nigel, Jane, Margaret, Elliott, Janet and Elizabeth. Also for William, Finlee, Frankee, Lily and their families, as the children are baptized this week. And for the family of Karen Doran whose funeral will take place on Tuesday.