St Nicholas Parish Church, Fleetwood
Week beginning 18th July 2021
Please continue to take great care in church. Wear a face covering, keep 2 metres apart.
Sunday 18th July
8.30 am Holy Communion in Church
9.30 am Worship via Zoom
10.45 am Holy Communion in Church
Sidespersons – Karen & June. Reader - Elizabeth
11.45 am Tea and Coffee in Church and discussion regarding the way forward
Monday 19th July
2.00 pm From 2 pm - tea, coffee and scones in the Vicarage garden
Tuesday 20th July
2.00 pm Holy Communion in Church
Friday 23rd July
3.00 pm The Marriage of Luke and Laura
Sunday 25th July
8.30 am Holy Communion in Church
9.30 am Worship via Zoom
10.45 am Holy Communion in Church
Sidespersons – Carole & Sandra: Reader - Karen
12.30 pm Baptism of William James Taylor-Smith
1.30 pm Baptism of Finlee and Frankee O’Malley
2.30 pm Baptism of Lily Reina Hearn
Today – Immediately following the 10.45 am service today, tea and coffee will be served in church and a discussion will take place regarding the beginning of the lifting of restrictions here in St Nicholas. If you are not able to stay for the meeting, please continue to wear a face covering until further details are shared.
Monday 19th July - The Vicar will be serving tea, coffee and scones in the Vicarage garden from 2.00 pm right up until 4.00 pm and you’re welcome to pop along at some point! It’s just an opportunity to be together and enjoy some company as we begin to make steps towards living in a different way with the virus. Hope you can come!
Shelter Box – The PCC has committed to making three gifts of £600 to individual charities before the end of this financial year in acknowledgement of God’s abundant blessings to our church family. The first gift was made to the Lucy Willacy memorial fund. Lucy was an 8 year old pupil at Larkholme School who died suddenly last year and whose funeral was at St Nicholas. The second gift has now been made to Shelter Box. This is an international charity which ships out boxes containing items to help disaster hit families. The boxes contain water filters, solar lights, pots and pans, tools and numerous other essential items. Your generous giving to St Nicholas Church is helping to support these initiatives!
100 Club
This week’s winners are:
Gerald Mathias (No 61 - £15), Daniel Ashworth (No 1 - £10) and Sarah Quirk (No 68 - £5)
Please continue to pray …… for Elsie, Nigel, Jane, Margaret, Elliott, Tom and Elizabeth. And also for William, Finlee, Frankee, Lily and their families, as the children are baptized next week.