St Nicholas Parish Church, Fleetwood
Week beginning 21st March 2021
Please take great care in church. Wear a face covering, keep 2 metres apart and do not mingle inside church with anyone outside your household or bubble.
Sunday 21st March – Passion Sunday
8.30 am Holy Communion in Church
9.30 am Worship via Zoom
10.45 am Holy Communion in Church
Sidespersons – Margaret & Elizabeth: Reader - Margaret
Monday 22nd March
1.30 pm Funeral of Liz Percival at Poulton New Cemetery
Tuesday 23rd March
12.00 pm National Day of reflection one year on from lockdown (see below)
2.00 pm Holy Communion in Church
Wednesday 24th March
7.00 pm Lent Course Session 5 via Zoom (if you need a link please phone the Vicarage)
Saturday 27th March
9.30 am – How deep the Father’s love (see below)
Sunday 28th March – Palm Sunday
8.30 am Holy Communion in Church
9.30 am Worship via Zoom
10.45 am Holy Communion in Church
Sidespersons – Christine & Susan: Reader - Karen
National Day of reflection. We’re supporting the National Day of Reflection on 23rd March, the first anniversary of the UK lockdown, to commemorate the tragic loss of life and to stand together with everyone who’s grieving. The Church bell will toll at 11.59 am followed by 1 minute of silence in church. Prayers will then be said for all who are bereaved. There will be yellow ribbons tied to the entrance gates of the church as a sign of our prayers and support.
‘How deep the Father’s love’. Lead by Bishop Philip this will focus on the seven last words spoken by Jesus on the cross. Each half hour will focus on one of the sayings with a short talk, some music, some prayer and a time of silent reflection. People are free to join or leave on the hour or the half hour. Please contact the Vicarage for the link to Zoom.
100 Club Winners this week are:
1, June Young (No 25 - £15) 2. Dorothy Warren No 15 - £10) 3. Christopher Ashworth (No 77 - £5)
Please continue to pray
…… for Alan Mather, Hilary, Nigel, Kenneth Binks, Gillian, Margaret, Tom Boyd, Linda Edwards and Mandy Barling. Whilst you may not know these people, God knows them and He hears our prayers. Please also remember the family of Liz Percival whose funeral is this coming week.
God of compassion, be close to those who are ill, afraid or in isolation. In their loneliness, be their consolation; in their anxiety, be their hope; in their darkness, be their light; through him who suffered alone on the cross, but reigns with you in glory, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.