Weekly News Sheet

St Nicholas Parish Church, Fleetwood

Week beginning 24th January 2021

Public Worship can continue in national lockdown. Please take great care. Wear a face covering, keep 2 metres apart and do not mingle inside church with anyone outside your household or bubble.

Sunday 24th January

8.30 am Holy Communion in Church

9.30 am Worship via Zoom

10.45 am Holy Communion in Church

Sidespersons – Ruth and Elizabeth; Reader – Elizabeth Leeson

Monday 25th January

11.00 am Funeral of Patricia McLellan in church

Tuesday 26<sup>th</sup> January

2.00 pm Holy Communion

Friday 22nd January

1.00 pm Funeral of Fred Leech in church

Sunday 31st January

8.30 am Holy Communion in Church

9.30 am Worship via Zoom

10.45 am Holy Communion in Church

Sidespersons – Karen & June: Reader – Margaret Pook

100 Club

Winners this week are:

1. Paula Meekins (No 4 - £15). 2. Alison Horabin (No 93 - £10). 3. Margery Bond (No 83 - £5)

Please continue to pray

…… for Alan Mather, Hilary, Nigel, Victoria and Frank Brown and loved ones and friends who need our prayers at this time. Please also remember the families of those whose funerals will take place this coming week.

Keep us, good Lord,
under the shadow of your mercy
in this time of uncertainty and distress.
Sustain and support the anxious and fearful,
and lift up all who are brought low;
that we may rejoice in your comfort
knowing that nothing can separate us from your love
in Christ Jesus our Lord.