St Nicholas Parish Church, Fleetwood
Week beginning 3rd January 2021
Public Worship at St Nicholas will continue in Tier 4. Please take great care. Wear a face covering, keep 2 metres apart and do not mingle with anyone outside your household or bubble.
Sunday 3rd January - Epiphany
8.30 am Holy Communion in Church
9.30 am Worship via Zoom
10.45 am Holy Communion in Church
Sidespersons – Sandra & Carole. Reader – Karen
Monday 4th January
Funeral of John Brewer RIP at Carleton
Tuesday 5th January
2.00 pm Holy Communion in Church
Wednesday 6th January
Funeral of Roy Mitchinson RIP in Church
Saturday 9th January
10.00 am Church cleaning
Sunday 10th January
8.30 am Holy Communion in Church
9.30 am Worship via Zoom
10.45 am Holy Communion in Church
Sidespersons – Margaret Pook & Elizabeth Leeson. Reader - Joy
One more time from the Vicar ……
My sincere thanks for the many cards and greetings I have received from so many of you over the Christmas period. It would be impossible to thank you each individually. Be assured I have read every word in every card! I am also sincerely grateful to everyone who has worked behind the scenes and upfront to help deliver our Christmas programme of events and services…you were wonderful!
100 Club
Until we can meet again in the Jubilee Room Trudie and Phil will continue to draw the weekly winning numbers and they will be published on this sheet. As we have more subscribers this year, the weekly prizes will be: 1. £15. 2. £10. 3, £5. There are still 5 numbers free to make up the 100. Please see, or leave a message for, Ruth today if you wish to subscribe.
Please continue to pray
…… for Alan Mather, Hilary, Nigel, Frank Brown and Mervyn Taylor and loved ones and friends who need our prayers at this time. Please also remember the families of John Brewer and Roy Mitchinson to be laid to rest this coming week.
God is our strength. Let Him be the strong foundation of our life so that we will not stumble when things go bad. Happy New Year!