St Nicholas Parish Church, Fleetwood
Week beginning 29th November 2020 – Week 4 in Lockdown 2.0
The church is open daily from 10.30 am-12.30 pm Monday to Friday
for private prayer. Please come and encourage others too!
Advent Sunday - 29th November
9.30 am Zoom worship – please phone the vicarage for details if you would like to link up.
You can listen via your phone if that’s more helpful.
4.00 pm Advent Carol Service from the Cathedral. Google “Blackburn Cathedral YouTube”
Monday 30th November
Funeral of Maureen Heafield in Church
Funeral of Peter Cawood
Wednesday 2nd December
Funeral of Ursula Parr at Carleton
Sunday 6th December - Back to Church!
8.30 am Holy Communion in Church
9.30 am Zoom worship
10.45 am Holy Communion in Church
Advent 2020 – A Child Shall Lead Them
A reminder that at the back of church there is a supply of booklets, produced by the Diocese, which contain daily reflections to lead us through this special season of Advent. If you would like a booklet but can’t get to church, please let the Vicar know and we’ll get one to you.
Diocesan Call to Pray and Give - 12th-29th November
For the past 17 days many of us have joined with the whole Diocese as together we have asked God to help us discern how we should respond to a “call to pray and give.” We hope that you have found the reflections that we have sent out to be thought provoking and helpful. If now you are able to respond to this appeal, please use the envelope and prayer card provided with this newsletter. Your one off gift will go towards the deficit in the parish share at St Nicholas, which stands at £6,443. The gifts will be received during our worship on Sunday 6th December. If you are not able to attend church on that Sunday and would like someone to collect your envelope, please let us know.
100 Club
This week’s winners are Muriel Freestone, David Meekins and Karen Hay.
A Prayer for Advent
Father God, this Advent-time we remember Mary and Joseph, giving thanks for their faithfulness, courage and obedience, stepping out into the unknown in the strength of your Spirit, playing their part in the fulfilment of your plan to bring your prodigal people home again. We pray that their example might be the pattern of our lives, that when your gentle whisper breaks through the clamour of this world and into our small corner, we might be ready to listen, and having listened, to act. Amen.
Please continue to pray for Dorothy Cox, Alan Mather, and the families of Maureen Heafield, Peter Cawood and Ursula Parr to be laid to rest this coming week.