St Nicholas Parish Church, Fleetwood
Week beginning 1st November 2020
Sunday 1st November – All Saints’ Day
8.30 am Holy Communion in church
9.30 am Zoom worship
10.45 am Holy Communion in church
4.00 pm Service to mark the Faithful departed
5.00 pm Service to mark the Faithful departed
6.00 pm Service to mark the Faithful departed
Monday 2nd November – All Souls’ Day
12.00 pm Holy Communion in church (remembering our loved ones departed)
Tuesday 3rd November
2.00 pm Holy Communion in church
Wednesday 4th November
Funeral of Dorothy Stewart RIP at Carleton
Funeral of Ray Cornell RIP at Carleton
Sunday 8th November
8.30 am Holy Communion in church
9.30 am Zoom worship
10.45 am Holy Communion in church – including an act of remembrance and laying of wreath
Diocesan Call to Pray and Give 12th-29th November
This is a diocesan led initiative to boost parish funds at the end of this very challenging year, to enable current levels of stipendiary mission and ministry to continue – a one off sacrificial gift to see us through this time of crisis. Before any of us decide whether and how to respond to this Gift Day opportunity, we are called to pray. So for the 17 days would you join your prayers with the prayers of hundreds of others throughout the diocese as together we seek to ask how God would have us respond to this call to give? Your gift will be used towards meeting the shortfall in the parish share here at St Nicholas – which stands at £6443. Next week we will have further details of resources to help us focus on this call to pray and give. The time of prayer will culminate in gifts being presented during our services on Advent Sunday 29th November, the day which marks the start of the Church calendar year.
Opening of St Nicholas Church for private prayer
We are undergoing some further safeguarding checks in church. As soon as these are completed, the church will once again be open daily for private prayer. Thank you to all who have agreed to help facilitate this important ministry.
Thank you …
To everyone who has brought and shared home grown produce over the past few weeks. Jillian’s apples raised gifts amounting to £16.40 for church funds. We have received a lovely letter of thanks from Streetlife too, which is on the notice board in church.
Christmas envelope Draw
We should all now have received our envelopes for the Christmas Draw. If you have not received any and would like some, please ask a member of the PCC. There is a box at the back of church for the completed envelopes; also, a box containing spare envelopes if you feel that you can sell more. Thank you very much!
100 Club
The winners this week are Ruth Aspinall, Paula Meekins and Barbara Quirk.