St Nicholas Parish Church, Fleetwood
Week beginning 25th October 2020
Sunday 25th
8.30 am Holy Communion in church
9.30 am Zoom worship
10.45 am Holy Communion in church
Reader – Karen Sides people – Sandra & Carole
11.30 am Annual Parochial Church Meeting
Tuesday 27th
2.00 pm Holy Communion in church
Saturday 31st
10.00 am Church cleaning
Sunday 1st November – All Saints’ Day
8.30 am Holy Communion in church
9.30 am Zoom worship
10.45 am Holy Communion in church
4.00 pm Service to mark the Faithful departed
5.00 pm Service to mark the Faithful departed
6.00 pm Service to mark the Faithful departed
Thank you
We thank Fr Alan Leeson for presiding and celebrating at this morning’s Holy Communion service and to Phil Deegan (Licensed Lay Minister) who preached for our Zoom congregation.
All Saints - Sunday 1st November
We will have our usual pattern of services in the morning. We will also be holding a series of 30 minute services in church to mark the Faithful Departed. Families and friends of those who have had a funeral between September 2019 and September 2020 have been invited to attend one of the services which begin on the hour at 4 pm, 5 pm and 6 pm.
All Souls - Monday 2nd November
There will be a service of Holy Communion at 12 noon on All Souls Day at which we will be remembering our loved ones departed, before God. There is a list at the back of church for you to add the names you wish to be remembered at this service. Please write clearly!
100 Club winners
This week’s winners are Ethel Chantler, Maureen Siddall and Sarah Quirk. We have also drawn 2 large draws from earlier in the year and the results from these are:
Easter Summer
1. £100 Gillian King Sarah Quirk
2. £80 Margaret Forshaw Beryl Clarkson
3. £70 Ruth Aspinall David Ashworth
4. £50 Bernice Meekins Peter Meekins
5. £30 Dorothy Angel Margaret Pook
6. £20 Sarah Quirk Shirley Kershaw
7. £10 Barbara Quirk Dorothy Cox
We will be holding the large Christmas draw in December.
Church cleaning
Please note this is a week earlier than planned. Come and help if you can!
Please remember in your prayers:
The sick on our prayer board and Elizabeth King, Alan Mather, Dorothy Cox and Dorothy Jones.