St Nicholas Parish Church, Fleetwood
Week beginning 11th October 2020
Sunday 11th
8.30 am Holy Communion in church
9.30 am Zoom worship
10.45 am Harvest Thanksgiving with Holy Communion in church
Reader – Elizabeth Leeson
Sides people – Karen & June
Monday 12th
1.00 pm Funeral of Bill Atkinson RIP in church. Jean has asked that donations in memory of Bill are to be for the benefit of St Nicholas Church
7.30 pm Deanery Synod will meet via Zoom
Tuesday 13th
2.00 pm Holy Communion in church
Sunday 18th
8.30 am Holy Communion in church
9.30 am Zoom worship
10.45 am Holy Communion in church
Harvest – 11th October 2020
There are still some envelopes at the back of church for those who wish to donate to the Bishop of Blackburn’s Harvest Appeal (Tearfund and Friends of the Holy Land). For more information and to donate on-line type, “Bishop of Blackburn Harvest Appeal 2020” into google.
APCM- Sunday 25th October 2020
This meeting will follow immediately after a shortened version of the 10.45 am Holy Communion service. All PCC members are required to complete a nomination form prior to the meeting, located at the back of church.
Opening church for private prayer
Thank you to all who took part in the recent survey. The overwhelming response was that it is important to have the church open daily. Particular thanks to the 21 people who have offered to help to facilitate it. A risk assessment is underway, and we hope to be up and running in the near future.
100 Club winners
This week’s winners are Penny Meekins, June Young and Dorothy Angel.
Please remember in your prayers:-
The sick on our prayer board and Elizabeth King, Dorothy Cox and Alan Mather