St Nicholas Parish Church, Fleetwood Week beginning 27th September 2020
Sunday 27th
8.30 am Holy Communion in church
9.30 am Zoom worship
10.45 am Holy Communion in church
Reader – Margaret Pook
Sides people – Susan & Christine
Monday 28th
Funeral of baby Jessica-Lily at Carleton
Tuesday 29th
2.00 pm Holy Communion
Saturday 3rd October
Church cleaning
Sunday 4th
8.30 am Holy Communion in church
9.30 am Zoom worship
10.45 am Holy Communion in church
Is opening church to the community important? ‘We’ are the church; your opinion matters!
Early on in the pandemic, churches were closed for public worship, but thanks to a number of volunteers we were able to open St Nicholas for a couple of hours each day, making it available to everyone for private prayer. After items were stolen from the church, we have had to review our offering. The PCC will make a decision on the way forward in the coming weeks based on the outcome of the short survey which you received when you came into church this morning. Please do take time to complete the survey, your input is important to us.
Harvest 11th October 2020
We will be receiving donations of non-perishable foods (tins, packets, jars) and toiletries as usual. If you are able, please bring them to church on the 11th where they will be left for 72 hours before being given to a local charity. The Bishop of Blackburn has launched his own Harvest Appeal again this year and is asking for donations to support two causes. Details of these charities can be found on the diocesan web site. Further details will be made available on next week’s news sheet.
Future Dates
PCC meeting – Tuesday 6th October 2020 at 7 pm via Zoom
APCM- Sunday 25th October 2020 following a shortened version of the 10.45 am Holy Communion service.
Bill Atkinson R I P
Sadly, Bill Atkinson has died. Our thoughts and prayers are with Jean at this very difficult time. We send her our love.
Please remember in your prayers:-
The sick on our prayer board and Elizabeth King and Alan Mather
St Nicholas Parish Church, Fleetwood - Week beginning 20th September 2020
Sunday 20th
8.30 am Holy Communion in church
9.30 am Zoom worship
10.45 am Holy Communion in church
Reader – Karen Sides people – Bernie & June
Tuesday 22nd
Funeral of Clarice Phillips at Carleton Crematorium
2.00 pm Holy Communion
Thursday 24th
Day of prayer for Schools (see below)
Sunday 27th
8.30 am Holy Communion in church
9.30 am Zoom worship
10.45 am Holy Communion in church
New government Covid regulations
From Tuesday, Fleetwood will be included in the additional lockdown requirements issued by the government. These restrictions do not involve any change to public worship. We may continue as we have been doing since the 5th July. It is very important that we remain socially distanced at all times and any ‘social chats’ should take place in the grounds of the church and in no more than groups of six people.
Clergy pastoral visits are not permitted. Please do feel able to call the Vicar at any time with details of people or situations that need attention.
Day of Prayer for Schools – Thursday 24th
On Thursday, the diocese will be praying for local schools as they endeavour to educate our children and steer their way through this crisis. Please join with us in praying for the head teachers, teachers, support staff, children and parents connected with Shakespeare Primary and Charles Saer Primary. Bishop Philip has written this prayer:-
Lord God, we ask you to pour your blessing on the schools of our nation.
Give joy and curiosity to our children:
that they may discover their gifts, grow in knowledge and learn to live well.
Give wisdom and stamina to our teachers:
that they may delight to inspire young minds and find contentment in their work.
Give vision and good judgement to our headteachers, school leaders and governors:
that they may guide our schools well and keep them safe in challenging times.
Give courage and compassion to the people of our land:
Protect us from fear and help us to act with calmness and kindness.
Your Son Jesus Christ taught his disciples to follow in his Way.
Inspire us by his example and strengthen us by his presence,
for we make our prayer in his holy name.
News sheets
If you are able to deliver any news sheets to members of the congregation, please take them from the back of church and tick the list. Also, if you have not received sheets for the last 2 weeks these are also available at the back of church. Thank you
St Nicholas Parish Church, Fleetwood - Week beginning 13th September 2020
Sunday 13th
8.30 am Holy Communion in church
10.45 am Holy Communion in church
Reader – Joy Sides people – Sandra & Carol
Tuesday 15th
2.00 pm Holy Communion
Sunday 20th
8.30 am Holy Communion in church
9.30 am Zoom worship
10.45 am Holy Communion in church
Today we welcome Fr Alan Leeson who is presiding at, and celebrating, the holy communion service this morning at 8.30 am and Rev Carol Wilkinson who is celebrating at 10.45 am. Thank you to both of them.
Readers and sides people at 10 45 am - If you are able to help with either of these two activities. please let us know. Next week’s reader will be Karen and sides people, Bernie and June.
Church Sitting - Rev Carolyn
Due to a serious incident that took place in church last week, our regular daily opening of church is being postponed with immediate effect.
I would like to personally thank everyone, particularly those who committed to a weekly slot, for enabling this important ministry. It is very much my hope that it will resume in the near future.
Two messages from Bishop Jill
Please feel free to watch my Video message this week. The You tube link is
This is a Save the date message for our Home Grown Diocesan Conference online 13-14th October. It will be chance to “meet” people from across Lancashire and find encouragement from each other. The input, speakers and seminars will all be “home grown” from Blackburn Diocese. Everyone’s welcome,
For more info on timings go to:
Please pray for:
• The sick of our parish including Edna Jenkins, Elsie Mathias. Jean Johnson and Alan Mather.
• Those who work in food production, food processing or distribution at this difficult time. Give thanks for those running and supporting food banks enabling those who are the most vulnerable to have enough to eat each day.