St Nicholas Parish Church, Fleetwood - Week beginning 4th October 2020
Sunday 4th
8.30 am Holy Communion in church
9.30 am Zoom worship
10.45 am Holy Communion in church
Reader – Sandra
Sides people – Ruth & Joy
Tuesday 6th
2.00 pm Holy Communion in church
7.00 pm PCC will meet via Zoom
Wednesday 7th
12.00 pm Funeral of Robert Wright RIP in church
Friday 9th
1.00 pm Funeral of Lucy Willacy RIP in church
Sunday 11th - Harvest Festival
8.30 am Holy Communion in church
9.30 am Zoom worship
10.45 am Holy Communion in church
Harvest – 11th October 2020
We will be receiving donations of non-perishable foods (tins, packets, jars) and toiletries as usual.
The Bishop of Blackburn’s appeal will benefit two charities this year:-
Tearfund, supporting Ethiopian families suffering the effects of climate change, locusts and coronavirus. Friends of the Holy Land, giving hope to vulnerable and desperate Christians in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.
There will be envelopes in church this week and next for donations.
For more information and to donate on-line type, “Bishop of Blackburn Harvest Appeal 2020” into google.
Apples and strawberries
Many thanks to Joy and Margaret for bringing the ‘goodies’ into church for us. Up to date they have raised £40 for church funds and we have enjoyed the apples and look forward to the strawberries next year.
Killy School
Dorothy has forwarded the money raised before lockdown (about £100) for the work of Killy school in Gambia. There is a letter on the notice board at the back of church bringing us up to date with the work at Killy. They obviously still need help – please speak to Margaret Forshaw if you would like any further information.
100 club
A list of winners from April to September is on the notice board. This week’s winners are: Beryl Clarkson, Dorothy Warren and Freda Wayman. We will meet in the next few weeks to draw the two larger draws.
Future Dates
Funeral of Bill Atkinson RIP - Monday 12th October at 1 pm in church. Attendance restricted to 30.
Deanery Synod - Monday 12th October at 7.30 pm via Zoom
APCM- Sunday 25th October 2020 following a shortened version of the 10.45 am Holy Communion service.
Please remember in your prayers:-
The sick on our prayer board and Elizabeth King and Alan Mather.