St Nicholas Parish Church Fleetwood. Week beginning 2nd March 2025
We seek to be a church that lives by faith, is known by love and is a voice of hope to the community we serve.
Sunday 2nd March
8.30 am Holy Communion in Church
9.30 am Worship on Zoom
10.45 am Holy Communion in Church
4.00 pm Family & Co
6.30 pm Confirmation mop up session
Monday 3rd March
11.30 am Funeral of Janet Davies in Church
1.30 pm Community Crafts and Games in Jubilee Room
Tuesday 4th March
10.45 am Community Singing for Pleasure, Jubilee Room
2.00 pm Holy Communion in Church
Wednesday 5th March – Ash Wednesday
12.00 pm Holy Communion with the imposition of ashes
7.30 pm Mass at St Peter’s with imposition of ashes
Thursday 6th March
10.30 am Community Coffee Morning
Friday 7th March
9.00 am Little Gang in Broadway Hall
11.45 am Lent Lunch at St Peter’s
2.00 pm World Day of Prayer at St Peter’s
Saturday 8th March
10.00am Church Cleaning – everyone welcome!
Sunday 9th March
8.30 am Holy Communion in Church
9.30 am Worship on Zoom
10.45 am Holy Communion in Church
5.00 pm Confirmation Service with +Jill
Daily Prayer
Monday 8 am St Peter’s
Tuesday 8 AM St Peter’s | 5:30 PM St Nicholas'
Wednesday 8 AM St David’s | 5:30 PM St Nicholas'
Thursday 8 AM St Nicholas' | 5:30 PM St Nicholas'
Friday 8 AM St Nicholas’
Private prayer is available immediately after the 10.45 service for anyone who wishes to
be prayed for or with in the Lady Chapel
Lent Lunches: For many years Churches Together in Fleetwood have hosted a simple lunch of soup and a roll on each of the Fridays in Lent. It’s an opportunity to meet with other Christians and to invite your neighbours along too for fellowship and a bite of lunch. There is no cost, although we are encouraged to make a donation towards this year’s chosen charity, ‘Home for Good’. Please do make a determined effort to come to as many of these lunches as you are able. Much preparation is involved for the hosting church! St Peter’s Church is hosting this Friday’s lunch from 11.45 am
Diocesan Lent Devotionals: These booklets are available at the back of Church. They provide a daily reflection for each day of Lent. Join with us and the Diocese as we journey together. There are large print copies for anyone who needs them and also little cards with QR codes which will take you to the Diocesan app on your smart phone where you will also find the daily reflections and bible readings.
Lent Study: Bishop Philip’s five-week study will begin 12th March. We will meet every Wednesday at 4.30 pm in the Broadway Hall. The title this year is “Hear our Prayer” and we will be examining the prayer lives of five Old Testament figures who prayed, how that relates to the prayer life of Jesus and by doing so, think about our own prayer lives. Everyone is welcome.
Confirmation: Next Sunday at 5 pm Bishop Jill is coming to St Nic’s to confirm sixteen confirmation candidates. This will be a glorious occasion not just for those involved but for the church family too. Please come along and be sure to keep the candidates and their families in your prayers.
100 Club winners Jan and Feb: Ethel Chantler, Christine McLellan, Muriel Freestone, Carole Pilling, Shirley Kershaw, Ruth Aspinall, Laura Martin, Margery Bond, Margaret Kershaw, Joy Broughton, Karen Dobson, Ann Turner, Samantha Palinczuk, Susan Dell, Nancy Burr, David Ashworth, Jennifer Gregson, Alan Newton, Moira Greenwood, David Meekins and Elizabeth Leeson. Thank you for supporting the ministry of the church in this way.
Please also remember in your prayers: Shelly Hargreaves, Martyn Westby, Brian Brown, Louise Gorley, Mark Price, Michael Carthy, Paul Sumner, Sandra Pratt, Michael, Chris Kelsall, Tracey Ashworth, Philip Wayman, Primrose, Chris Cousins, Baby Miles Butterworth and Mary & Bob Duck. We also remember the families of Charles Meehan, Eunice Myerscough and Janet Davies whose funerals are due to take place.