St Nicholas Parish Church Fleetwood. Week beginning 16th February 2025
We seek to be a church that lives by faith, is known by love and is a voice of hope to the community we serve.
Sunday 16th February
8.30 am Holy Communion in Church
9.30 am Worship on Zoom
10.45 am Holy Communion in Church
4.00 pm Family & Co
Tuesday 18th February
10.45 am Community Singing for Pleasure, Jubilee Room
2.00 pm Holy Communion in Church
3.00 pm Funeral of Dylis Pumphrey at Carleton
6.45 pm PCC Meets in Jubilee Room
Thursday 20th February
10.30 am Community Coffee Morning
Saturday 22nd February
10.00 am Confirmation – Session 5 Jubilee Room
Sunday 23rd February
8.30 am Holy Communion in Church
9.30 am Worship on Zoom
10.45 am Holy Communion in Church
12.30 pm Baptism of Lee Peters & Graham xx
4.00 pm Family & Co
Daily Prayer
Tuesday 8 AM St Nicholas' | 5:30 PM St Nicholas'
Wednesday 8 AM St Nicholas' | 5:30 PM St Nicholas'
Thursday 8 AM St Nicholas' | 5:30 PM St Nicholas'
Friday 8 AM St Nicholas’
Private prayer is available immediately after the 10.45 service for anyone
who wishes to be prayed for or with in the Lady Chapel
The sermon slot today at all our services will focus on the gospel reading from Luke chapter 6, but the reading from 1 Corinthians chapter 15 (overleaf) deserves our serious attention too.
For Paul, belief in the bodily resurrection is not optional. It doesn't matter to him how scandalous it sounds. The scandal is part of the good news. Nonetheless, some of the Corinthians must have winced at the idea of a God who raised corpses. Why can we not just believe that God is powerful and follow Jesus’s teaching to love one another? Do we really need to believe that God raised Jesus from the dead? Do we really need to live in hope of Christ’s return?
Paul does not budge. If there is no resurrection, there is no hope. If there is no resurrection, then everything we thought we knew about God is a lie. If there is no resurrection, then all we have is this life. And the so-called gospel is not really “good news” at all.
It's much easier to just preach on the bits of the gospel that sound like wise council for living, like being kind to one another and living peaceably. These are worthwhile goals, but the gospel demands more. At the core of the gospel is a God who refuses to abandon creation to the powers of sin and death. God is a God of life and that’s good news indeed. AMEN.
Lent Study: Bishop Philip’s five-week study will begin 12th March. We will meet every Wednesday at 4.30 pm in the Broadway Hall. The title this year is “Hear our Prayer” and we will be examining the prayer lives of five Old Testament figures who prayed, how that relates to the prayer life of Jesus and by doing so, think about our own prayer lives. Everyone is welcome.
Confirmation: On Sunday 9th March at 5 pm Bishop Jill is coming to St Nic’s to confirm fifteen confirmation candidates. This will be a glorious occasion not just for those involved but for the church family too. Please save the date and be sure to keep the candidates and their families in your prayers.
Please also remember in your prayers: Katie, Brian Brown, Louise Gorley, Mark Price, Michael Carthy, Paul and Mark Sumner, Sandra Pratt, Michael, Chris Kelsall, Elaine Clarke, Tracey Ashworth, Philip Wayman, Primrose and Rev Andrew Downes. We also remember the families of Dylis Pumphrey, Alan Richmond and Janet Davies whose funerals are due to take place.