Weekly News Sheet

St Nicholas Parish Church Fleetwood. Week beginning 2nd June 2024

We seek to be a church that lives by faith, is known by love and

is a voice of hope to the community we serve.

Website https://www.achurchnearyou.com/church/11671

Sunday 2nd June

8.30 am Holy Communion in Church

9.30 am Worship on Zoom

10.45 am Holy Communion in Church

12.30 pm Baptism of Lily Mae Moran

4.00 pm Family & Co in the Broadway Rooms

Monday 3rd June

11.00 am Funeral of Heather Aird at Carleton

2.00 pm Community Crafts and Games in the Jubilee Room

Tuesday 4th June

11.00 am Singing for pleasure in the Jubilee Room

11.00 am Funeral of Gordon Seddon at Carleton

2.00 pm Holy Communion in Church

Thursday 6th June

10.00 am Community Coffee Morning in the Jubilee Room

Friday 7th June

9.00 am Little Gang in the Broadway Rooms

Sunday 9th June

8.30 am Holy Communion in Church

9.30 am Worship on Zoom

10.45 am Holy Communion in Church

4.00 pm Family & Co in the Broadway Rooms


Sea Shanty Friday 21st June Tickets are available today from Alan, Karen and Claire. The cost of £10 per person includes a fish and chip supper, drink on arrival and a fabulous evening of Sea Shanty entertainment. Why not book a table and bring your friends and neighbours. Proceeds from the evening will kick start our ‘Tower Fund.’

100 Club Winners in May: Angela Colby, Beryl Clarkson, Alison Horabin, Carolyn Terpet, Pat Warrington, Alan Leeson, Margaret Pook, Julie Lyon, Karen Dobson, Laura Martin, Bernice Meekins, Muriel Freestone, Derek Warrington and Lindsay Newton. Congratulations and thank you for supporting the ministry of the Church in this way.

Consecration of Rev’d Dr Joseph Kennedy: This will take place at York Minster on Friday 19th July at 11.00 am. Christ Church Thornton is organising a coach which will leave at 8.30 am and return at 6 pm. The cost of the coach is £15/pp. There will be time for a bite of lunch after the service and a wander round the city in the afternoon. Why not grab a partner and put your names down at the back of church. It’s first come first served on the coach so do it this week or next!

Safeguarding Training: If you are a Sidesperson, Church sitter, Little Gang volunteer, Baptism welcomer or coffee morning host you are required under Church of England rules to undertake basic safeguarding training. Janet Deegan has kindly agreed to deliver this training for us on Saturday 15th June from 9 am – 12.30 pm in the Jubilee Room. Invitations have been sent out but we are aware that some have been misplaced! If you are not able to attend this session you will be required to undertake the training on-line. Please speak to Janet or Chris Butler our new Parish Safeguarding Officer if you need any further information. Keep yourself and others SAFE.

Please remember in your prayers: Jeff Chambers, Katie, Tony Ryan, Louise Clark, Mark Price, Dean, Debbie, Michael Carthy, Rev Jane Everett, Paul Sumner, Sandra and John McLellan. Please also remember the families and friends of Gordon Seddon and Heather Aird whose funerals are due to take place.