Weekly News Sheet

St Nicholas Parish Church Fleetwood. Week beginning 11th February 2024

We seek to be a church that lives by faith, is known by love and

is a voice of hope to the community we serve.

Website https://www.achurchnearyou.com/church/11671

Sunday 11th February

8.30 am Holy Communion in Church

9.30 am Worship on Zoom

10.45 am Holy Communion in Church

4.00 pm Family & Co in the Broadway Rooms

Tuesday 13th February – Shrove Tuesday

11.00 am Singing for pleasure – Jubilee Room

2.00 pm Holy Communion in Church

Wednesday 14th February – Ash Wednesday

4.00pm Holy Communion with the imposition of Ashes

Thursday 15th February

10.00 am Coffee Morning in the Jubilee Room

Friday 16th February

12.00 pm 1st Lent Lunch URC Dronsfield Road

1.00 pm Funeral of Ronald Stanhope in Church

Sunday 18th February – 1st of Lent

8.30 am Holy Communion in Church

9.30 am Worship on Zoom

10.45 am Holy Communion in Church

4.00 pm Family & Co in the Broadway Rooms


This last week has been a difficult week for the family of St Nic’s. Putting together the final arrangements to give thanks to God for the life of Dorothy Cox, we learned of the death of John Richardson. Two Christian souls who we love dearly and who we will miss for ever in this earthly life. Every death in a church family is a painful experience nevermore so when those concerned have made such an impact on so many others. For those of us left behind the grief is at times overwhelming. But it’s at these times we must hold on to each other and to what we really believe. Yes, it hurts, yes, it’s hard to come to terms with, but we’re minded of the words of St Paul, in his letter to the churches of Thessalonica when he says along the lines of, “try not to grieve like people who have nothing to look forward to, as if the grave were the last word. Since Jesus died and broke loose from the grave, God will most certainly bring back to life those who died in Jesus.” Death is not the end, but it still hurts!

Teach me, O Lord, not to hold on to life too tightly. Teach me to hold it lightly;

not carelessly, but lightly, easily. Teach me to take it as a gift,

to enjoy and cherish while I have it, and to let it go gracefully and thankfully when the time comes.

The gift is great, but the Giver is greater still.

Thou, O God, art the Giver and in thee is the Life that never dies. Amen.

Lent: We will mark the beginning of this most holy time with a service of Holy Communion and the imposition of ashes at 4 pm on Wednesday. On the following 5 Wednesdays at the same time, 4 pm, we will come together in the Broadway Rooms to enjoy Bishop Philip’s Lent reflections. Everyone is welcome to what will be a relaxed time of reading and reflecting on the scriptures. If you want to come but need a lift, please ring the Vicarage 874402 and we’ll sort it out.

Please remember in your prayers: Louise Clark, Rev Martin Keighley, Mark Price, Craig Abson, Rev Jane Everett, Jeanette Norman, Joe Robinson, & Maureen Hardman. Please also remember the families of, Ronald Stanhope, Ray Kettle, Christine Jenkinson whose funerals are due to take place and our own John Richardson.

100 Club winners for January: Bernice Meekins, Moira Greenwood, Sue Dell, Christopher Ashworth, Elsie Mathias, Samantha Palinczuk, Ruth Aspinall, Dorothy Calderbank, Muriel Freestone, Margaret Forshaw, Nancy Burr, Gerald Mathias, Nancy Burr, Jennifer Gregson and Dorothy Angel.