Weekly News Sheet

St Nicholas Parish Church Fleetwood. Week beginning 30th July 2023

We seek to be a church that lives by faith, is known by love and

is a voice of hope to the community we serve.

Website https://www.achurchnearyou.com/church/11671

Sunday 30th July

8.30 am Communion in Church

9.30 am Worship on Zoom

10.45 am Holy Communion in Church Sidespersons: Judith & Dorothy W Reader: Margaret

12.30 pm Baptisms of Tommy Clark and Rosie France Welcome and Set up: Berny McCarthy

4.00 pm Family & Co in the Broadway Rooms

6.30 pm Community Prayers at Fleetwood Baptist Church

Monday 31st July

1.00 pm Funeral of Larry Larsen in Church

Tuesday 1st August

2.00 pm Holy Communion in Church

Thursday 3rd August

10.00 am Community Coffee Morning in the Jubilee Room – proceeds to Brian House

Friday 4th August

12.00 pm Funeral of Barbara Large in Church

Sunday 6th August

8.30 am Holy Communion in Church

9.30 am Worship on Zoom

10.45 am Holy Communion in Church Sidespersons: Karen & June. Reader: Joy

4.00 pm Family & Co in the Broadway Rooms


Afternoon Tea: Thank you again to everyone who was involved in anyway in last weekend’s afternoon tea. It was all about being together and enjoying fellowship, fun and endless calories! All expenses paid, we did manage to put just under £300 into our restoration fund too!

The Pantry, Fleetwood Old Hospital: St Nic’s is now an official donator of tins and toiletries to our local food bank. Gifts can be placed in the box at the back of church and will be delivered to the Pantry on our behalf. Let’s do what we can.

Coffee Morning: We have been approached by some representatives of All Hallows Church is Bispham who run coffee mornings in aid of Brian House, the local children’s hospice. This coming Thursday (4th) they will be coming along to our usual Thursday morning to serve tea and coffee etc, with a view to raising some well needed funds for the hospice. It would be lovely if you could help to support this event in any way.

Feast of the Nations: On the 9th of September, we are hosting this in the Broadway Rooms, in association with the local churches in Fleetwood. We are blessed with brothers and sisters from many different parts of the world who are living and worshipping here in our community. At lunchtime on the Saturday you are invited to come along to sample the national dishes of, for example, Syria, Iran, Ukraine and Scotland! This is such a super opportunity to meet the community and be together. Tasting will commence at 12 noon and there may even be some ‘international entertainment.’ We do need an idea of numbers, so please sign up at the back of church!

Lord, our Way Maker, You have saved us and have called out people from every part of the globe. We pray for unity between all Christians. As persecutions, troubles, and dangers come, may we be aware of how we can pray, love, and support one another. Our bond in Christ transcends cultures, borders, and nationalities: we have a citizenship in heaven. As such, we pray for unity across all believers as we seek to proclaim You to the nations. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Please also remember in your prayers: Peter Dell, Rev Jane Everitt, Rev Martin Keighley, Elizabeth King, Chris Kelsall, Michaela Jones, Mark Price, and John Hawley. And the families of Larry Larsen, Karen Potter and Barbara Large whose funerals are due to take place.