St Nicholas Parish Church Fleetwood. Week beginning 19th January 2025 We seek to be a church that lives by faith, is known by love and is a voice of hope to the community we serve. Website Sunday 19th January 8.30 am Holy Communion in Church9.30 am Worship on Zoom10.45 am Holy Communion in Church12.30pm Baptism of Dolly Doyle 4.00 pm Family & Co Tuesday 21st January 10.45 am Community Singing for Pleasure, Jubilee Room11.00 am FCMS Open Day (see below)2.00 pm Holy Communion in ChurchWednesday 22nd January7.00 pm Service at Trinity Baptist ChurchThursday 23rd January10.30 am Community Coffee Morning – Jubilee RoomFriday 24th January9.00 am Little Gang – Broadway Rooms1.15 pm Funeral of Alf Evans in ChurchSaturday 25th January 10.00 am Confirmation – Session 1 Jubilee RoomSunday 26th January 8.30 am Holy Communion in Church9.30 am Worship on Zoom10.45 am Holy Communion in Church12.30pm Baptism of Luca Carney4.00 pm Family & Co Daily prayer:Tuesday 8 AM St Nicholas' | 5:30 PM St Nicholas'Wednesday 8 AM St Nicholas' | 5:30 PM St Nicholas'Thursday 8 AM St Nicholas' | 5:30 PM St Nicholas' Friday 8 AM St Nicholas’ Private prayer is available immediately after the 10.45 service in the Lady Chapel. **********************************************A Year of Prayer across Blackburn Diocese: If you didn’t receive a bookmark last week there is now a supply at the back of church. The bookmark has the words of the ‘Leading your Church into Growth prayer’ and space for you to pray for five people to find faith. Please treasure the bookmark and use it in your personal times of prayer. FCMS Open Day: This is a wellness event organised by Fylde Coast Medical Services and will take place in the Boathouse between 11 am and 3 pm on Tuesday. Everyone is welcome to bob in to this free event. NHS health checks, wellbeing advice, cookery class, painting are just some of the things on offer. In attendance will be representatives from Dental Services, Broadway Pharmacy, Nutritionists and many others. St Nic’s will also have a stall and we will be promoting all our activities and services and offering prayer support and friendship.Wednesday 7pm Trinity Baptist Church: A service is being held to mark the week of prayer for Christian Unity, to which we are all invited. Just as the Nicene Creed is an expression of the common faith of Christians, so this week invites us to draw on our shared heritage and to enter more deeply into the faith that unites all Christians. Do try to come along.Electoral Roll 2025: Every parish in the Church of England must have an electoral roll on which the names of lay persons are entered. It is revised annually with a new roll completed every six years. 2025 requires us to complete a new roll! You will find application forms at the back of church, please complete one for yourself and take one for anyone who finds it more difficult to get to church these days but is still considered part of the church family. To be included on the roll, you must be baptised and aged over 16 and be able to answer yes to ONE of the following: - (1) you live in the parish and are in communion with the CofE. (2) You don’t live in the parish but have habitually attended St Nic’s for the last 6 months or more. Once completed, place the form in the box at the back of church. Please remember in your prayers: Sister Eily May, Katie, Brian Brown, Louise Gorley, Mark Price, Michael Carthy, Paul Sumner, Sandra Pratt, Michael, Chris Kelsall, Brian Morris, Elaine Clarke, Tracey Ashworth, Eloise, Primrose and Rev Andrew Downes. We also remember the families of Alf Evans, Stephanie Cashmore, Brian Gregson, Scott Remblance, Dyllis Pumphrey, Clare Barker and Dorothy Hankey whose funerals are due to take place.
St Nicholas Parish Church Fleetwood. Week beginning 12th January 2025We seek to be a church that lives by faith, is known by love and is a voice of hope to the community we serve. Website Sunday 12th January 8.30 am Holy Communion in Church9.30 am Worship on Zoom10.45 am Holy Communion in Church12.30pm Baptism of Matilda-Grace Mallon4.00 pm Family & Co Monday 13th January 12.30 pm Funeral of Mike Lee in Church Tuesday 14th January 10.45 am Community Singing for Pleasure – Jubilee Room12.00 pm Funeral of Maureen Baker in Church2.00 pm Holy Communion in ChurchWednesday 15th January12.00 pm Funeral of Margaret Tilling in ChurchThursday 16th January10.30 am Community Coffee Morning – Jubilee RoomFriday 17th January9.00 am Little Gang – Broadway RoomsSunday 19th January 8.30 am Holy Communion in Church9.30 am Worship on Zoom10.45 am Holy Communion in Church12.30pm Baptism of Dolly Doyle 4.00 pm Family & Co Daily prayer:Monday 8 AM St Peter’s | 5.30 PM Mount Rd VicarageTuesday 8 AM St Peter's | 5:30 PM St Nicholas'Wednesday 8 AM St David's | 5:30 PM St Peter'sThursday 8 AM St Nicholas' | 5:30 PM Mount Rd VicarageFriday 8 AM St Nicholas’ ********************************************** A Year of Prayer across Blackburn Diocese: We are invited to join with the diocese in prayer for growth and renewal in our churches in 2025. We long to grow more and deeper disciples for Jesus, but recognize that growth is in the gift of God alone. As St Paul wrote, “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth.” 1 Cor 3:6. The intention for the year is for us to pray that we, as a church and individuals, will be renewed in the power of the Holy Spirit for a season of mission in what is the centenary year of our Diocese in 2026. Attached to this newsletter is a bookmark with the words of the Leading your Church into Growth prayer (also printed below) and space for you to pray for five people to find faith. Please treasure the bookmark and use it in your personal times of prayer. We will also incorporate the prayer into our services in church.Prayer in the lady Chapel: We know prayer changes people and outcomes and with that in mind, from today and every week hereafter, we are offering private prayer immediately after the 10.45 service for anyone who wishes to be prayed for or with. You may request prayers for yourself, someone you care for or a particular situation. Please go to the lady chapel where the prayers will be offered. Anything shared will be in utter confidence. There is immense power in prayer. Jesus tells us that with the power of the Holy Spirit, we can do great things as He did. “And this is the boldness we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, he hears us.” 1 John 5:14 God of Mission, who alone brings growth to your Church. Send your Holy Spirit to give vision to our planning, wisdom to our actions, Joy to our worship and power to our witness. Help our church to grow in numbers, in spiritual commitment to you, and in service to our local community, through Jesus Christ our Lord. AmenPlease remember in your prayers: Sister Eily May, Katie, Brian Brown, Louise Gorley, Mark Price, Michael Carthy, Paul Sumner, Sandra Pratt, Michael, Chris Kelsall, Brian Morris, Elaine Clarke, & Tracey Ashworth. We also remember the families of Margaret Tilling, Mike Lee, Alf Evans, Stephanie Cashmore, Brian Gregson, Scott Remblance and Maureen Barker whose funerals are due to take place.
St Nicholas Parish Church Fleetwood. Week beginning 5th January 2025 We seek to be a church that lives by faith, is known by love and is a voice of hope to the community we serve. Website Sunday 5th January - Epiphany8.30 am Holy Communion in Church9.30 am Worship on Zoom10.45 am Holy Communion in Church4.00 pm Family & Co Tuesday 7th January 10.45 am Community Singing for Pleasure – Jubilee Room2.00 pm Holy Communion in ChurchThursday 9th January10.30 am Community Coffee Morning – Jubilee RoomFriday 10th January9.00 am Little Gang – Broadway RoomsSunday 12th January 8.30 am Holy Communion in Church9.30 am Worship on Zoom10.45 am Holy Communion in Church12.30pm Baptism of Matilda-Grace Mallon4.00 pm Family & Co Daily prayer:Monday 8 AM St Peter’s | 5.30 PM Mount Rd VicarageTuesday 8 AM St Peter's | 5:30 PM St Nicholas'Wednesday 8 AM St David's | 5:30 PM St Peter'sThursday 8 AM St Nicholas' | 5:30 PM Mount Rd VicarageFriday 8 AM St Nicholas’ *******************************************Confirmation Ceremony: We are thrilled Bishop Jill is coming and will be officiating at a service of confirmation in St Nic’s on Sunday 9th March at 4 pm. Confirmation is a special church service in which we confirm the promises that were made when we were baptized. If we were baptized when we were a child, our parents and godparents made these promises on our behalf.As a young person or adult of whatever age, you may be ready to affirm these promises for yourself and commit your life to following Jesus Christ. At a confirmation service, you make these promises for yourself. Your friends and family as well as St Nic’s Church family will be there to promise to support and pray for you. Bishop Jill will lay her hands on your head and ask God’s Holy Spirit to give you the strength and commitment to live God’s way for the rest of your life.There will be some preparation to do and we’re hoping to hold these ‘classes’ on Saturday mornings, beginning at the end of January. If you were not baptized as a child and want to make a commitment of faith, you can be baptized and confirmed in the same service, or baptized at a separate service shortly before your confirmation. This can all be sorted out with Rev’d Carolyn. Please speak to her as soon as possible if you feel that you would like to be part of this important step on your Christian journey. Almighty Father, who in your great mercy gladdened the disciples with the sight of the risen Lord: give us such knowledge of his presence with us, that we may be strengthened and sustained by his risen life, and serve you continually in righteousness and truth; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. AmenFrom the Vicar: May I express my sincere thanks for the many cards and greetings that I received from so many of you over the Christmas period. It would be impossible to thank you each individually. I hope you had a peaceful and blessed Christmas and pray I that God will bless you and yours richly in the coming year. With my love and continued prayers, from Rev’d Carolyn.Please remember in your prayers: Sister Eily May, Katie, Brian Brown, Louise Gorley, Mark Price, Michael Carthy, Paul Sumner, Sandra Pratt, Michael, Chris Kelsall, Brian Morris, Elaine Clarke, & Tracey Ashworth. We also remember the families of Margaret Tilling, Mike Lee, Alf Evans, Stephanie Cashmore, Brian Gregson and Maureen Barker whose funerals are due to take place.
St Nicholas Parish Church Fleetwood. Week beginning 29th December 2024 We seek to be a church that lives by faith, is known by love and is a voice of hope to the community we serve. Website Sunday 29th December 8.30 am Holy Communion in Church9.30 am Worship on Zoom10.45 am Holy Communion in Church4.00 pm Family & Co Monday 30th December 10.30 am Funeral of Norma Toland at CarletonTuesday 31st December11.00 am Funeral of Doreen Merrison at Carleton2.00 pm Holy Communion in ChurchThursday 2nd January1.00 pm Funeral of Jane Everitt in ChurchSunday 5th January 8.30 am Holy Communion in Church9.30 am Worship on Zoom10.45 am Holy Communion in Church4.00 pm Family & Co *******************************************As we approach the end of 2024 and the beginning of 2025 is natural to look back and reflect on the past year. As with most years, it has had its share of highlights and sadness, not just for us as a church but for us as individuals too. We launch into a new year with hope in our hearts, rejoicing in the hundreds of people and families of who have been ministered to through baptisms and funerals and through our weekly run of services and community activities in 2024. We rejoice in the countless ‘get togethers’, when we’ve enjoyed quality food and fellowship together. And we look forward to all that God has in store for us in this coming year. As we say goodbye to this year and welcome the new one, let's do so with thankful hearts. Lord, we look toward you, our hope, our peace, and our comfort in this New Year. As we enter into the unknown of the coming year, we ask for your guidance and wisdom. Illuminate our path with your light so that we may walk in your ways and make choices that align with your will. Help us to seek first your kingdom and trust that all other things will be added unto us. Amen100 Club winners: December - Dorothy Angel. Derek Warrington, Dorothy Greene, Muriel Freestone, Laura Martin, Ruth Aspinall. Alan Leeson, Carolyn Terpet, Moira Greenwood, Nancy Burr, Sue Southern, Ethel Chantler and Alison Horobin. Thank you for supporting the ministry of St Nic’s in this way.Regular giving: We are so very grateful to all who donate financially to St Nic’s on a weekly or monthly basis. With your commitment to regular giving, we are able to budget and plan ahead. Weekly envelopes for 2025 will be available from next week. Whilst we appreciate that this method is best for some, with the closure of all the local banks we are finding it increasingly difficult to deal with cash. Might you consider using a standing order? If so, please see Ruth who will help you to sort it out.Please remember in your prayers: Archdeacon Mark Ireland, Jeff Chambers, Katie, Brian Brown, Louise Gorley, Mark Price, Debbie, Michael Carthy, Paul Sumner, Sandra Pratt, Michael, Chris Kelsall, Brian Morris, Elaine Clarke, & Tracey Ashworth. We also remember the families of Jane Everitt, Norma Toland, Doreen Merrison, Margaret Tilling, Mike Lee and Maureen Barker whose funerals are due to take place.