Facilities and features


Disabled toilet.

We have baby changing facilities.

We have ample car parking.

The toilet is easily accessible from inside the church and from outside via a ramp.

Accessible car parking

We have easy accessible path from the lych-gate to the main front door.

Hearing (induction) Loop

We have large print hymn books.

Our Building

Open for individual prayer

We have a series of stained glass windows.

Listed Building

Music and Worship

Book of Common Prayer Services

Choir at the 10.30am Eucharist.

Groups, Courses and Activities

We serve coffee each Sunday in the Community Hall after the 10.30am service.

M.U. hold monthly meetings ( second Tuesday at 2pm) in our Community Hall.

'Lund Little Lambs'
Parents/Carer Toddler Group.

Help for Visitors

Other Features

We have been certified by the Fairtrade Foundation to be a Fairtrade Church.

We collect for the Fylde Foodbank.

The Parish of Lund Community Hall is
available for hire.
Please contact Fran on 01772 690377
for availability and to book.