Thank you to everyone who supported us by donating money for our Christmas crafts or buying tombola tickets on Ella's stall at the Christmas market. All proceeds are going to Cancer Research UK, our chosen charity for the year.In recent weeks, we enjoyed supporting church by being waiters and waitresses at the December Coffee Morning and supporting worship by leading intercessions, narrating the Christmas Nativity on 3 December, and reading lessons.We enjoyed learning new skills on 12 December, when Rev. Christine showed us how to make table decorations for a Christmas dinner table. Our final meeting of the year was a Christmas party. We all enjoyed playing party games.We always start our meetings in January by thinking about New Year resolutions that are particularly related to our lives as young Christians.Happy New Year to you all from everyone at Yurch.Lynn, Gwen and Nathan
Mr Kenyon was honoured to be joined by some of our Year 6 pupils including our Head and Deputy Head Girl and Head Boy at the wreath laying ceremony in the village. It was also lovely to see so many of our current and former pupils representing the uniformed organisations. ‘We shall remember them.’