At our Freckleton C of E Primary School Eucharist on 21 September, we celebrated the Feast of St Matthew. We looked at how he was a tax collector and cheated people out of their money and then changed his ways for the better after becoming a friend of Jesus. This the last time our fabulous worship group led the service before coming to the end of their term of office. We look forward to seeing who the newly elected worship leaders will be.
At school worship on 5 October, the children thought about our half-term value of forgiveness, and listened to the story of Zaccheus and how he was forgiven. The really heavy backpack full of books symbolised how we feel when we carry the guilt of wanting to be forgiven. The Year 1 helper could hardly lift it, but our Year 6 helpers took the weight for them easily. This symbolised Jesus carrying our guilt himself and taking it away through his death and resurrection.