Facilities and features


We have non-gendered toilets and an accessible toilet with baby changing facilities

We have baby changing facilities. St. Michael's welcome nursing mothers and have no objection to breast feeding during our services or other events.

There is a Sheffield-style bike rack outside the church hall entrance on Tulketh Road

St. Michael's is well served by onsite, level, parking, accessed from Tulketh Road. There is plenty of space to park on Egerton Road.

We have a toilet which is especially for disabled worshippers. There is also provision for baby changing.

There are three accessible car parking spaces close to the church hall entrance

St. Michael's is fully accessible both outside and in.

St. Michael's is served with an induction loop.

All our services have a large print edition. If you would like this option please ask one of our welcomers.

Assistance dogs are welcome at all times.

Gluten-free Communion wafers are available

Our Building

The church has some stained glass. The east window dates from 1969 and was designed by Harry J Stammers of Bradwell, Bucks.
The chapel has a small window from the workshop of Shrigley and Hunt of Lancaster. It depicts S Cecilia and was given in memory of Alice Livesey, choirmistress and organist at St Michael's.

We aspire to becoming an Eco-church

St. Michael's is a Grade 2* building, designed by Austin and Paley of Lancaster and started in 1906. Its tower was never completed.
The church features in the annual Heritage Open Days in September each year.

Post office

Music and Worship

St. Michael's is used regularly by local groups, choirs and organisations as a venue. The acoustics are really rather good!

St. Michael's has an excellent organ and a concert standard grand piano.

Every Sunday at 8.30 am

If you like to sing, why not join our friendly choir! Rehearsals are held every Tuesday evening at 7.00 pm in the choir vestry

Groups, Courses and Activities

A Brownie pack meets in the church hall each Wednesday evening

We have a Guides group which meets in the church hall each Wednesday evening

Little Fishes is a church-run play group for parents and toddlers every Monday afternoon

Rainbows meet every Wednesday in the Church Hall

Cupboard Love is our food bank which opens three times each month

Help for Visitors

We have an excellent history written in 2017 by a noted local historian:
'St Michael and All Angels Ashton on Ribble - A History' by Alan G Crosby (36pp)
£2.50 plus p&p

Other Features

Cupboard Love is open on the second and fourth Saturdays of each month from 10-11am. Take what you need, give what you can.

The church is on the edge of the Ashton conservation Area

For details talk to Meg on 01722 725120.