PALM SUNDAY 24th MARCH 9am Mass Homily 1 at both Masses 11am The Procession of Palms and Palm Sunday Mass Gather in the Hall for the Blessing of Palms and Palm Sunday Procession. We process to church for the dramatic Passion Gospel and the main Mass of the day. 3pm Palm Sunday Walk (Beginning at the Methodist Church) Bring your Palm Crosses, and walk with us on the Way of the Cross, taking a cross up to Torrisholme Barrow and leaving it there for Holy Week. Refreshments will follow at The Ascension. MONDAY 25th 7.30pm Said Mass and Homily 2 TUESDAY 26th 7.30pm Said Mass and Homily 3 WEDNESDAY 27th 10am Said Mass and Homily 4 6pm Mass at St Martin’s, Westgate and Homily 4 HOLY (MAUNDY) THURSDAY 28th 7.30pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper and Homily 5 In what is perhaps one of the most moving services of the whole year, we recall the celebration of the Last Supper, the institution of the Eucharist as the Lord’s gift to His Church. At the Last Supper, Jesus washed the feet of his disciples, an expression of his servant ministry and of the need for the disciples to allow themselves both to be servants of others, and also to be served by others. According to ancient custom, we will wash the feet of disciples, and anyone is very welcome to receive this ministry at this Eucharist, just come prepared to bare one foot! Towards the end of this Liturgy the altar is stripped bare and ornaments are removed from the church, reminding us of how the disciples “forsook him and fled” when Jesus was arrested, leaving him to face his Passion alone. This is followed by the Gospel of the Watch, and we are invited to spend some time in prayer with Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, at our “Altar of Repose”. The consecrated bread of the Eucharist is taken to the Garden, and we can watch, and pray. The watch lasts for an hour. Please feel free to come and go during this time, but always in silence! The final part of the “Gospel of the Watch” and closing prayer will mark the end of this time. GOOD FRIDAY 29th 10.00am The Way of the Cross for Children and Families This will be an interactive act of worship in which children and families explore together the journey Jesus made and the meaning of the cross through drama, words and crafts. Concluding with drinks and Hot Cross Buns! It is very helpful if families book for this either on the list in church or by email to - However, no children or families will be turned away!! 2.00pm The Good Friday Liturgy and Homily 6 At this service we recall the Cross and Passion of Jesus. St John’s Passion Gospel is read, we pray for the Church and the world, and we focus on the Cross as we remember the death of Jesus, mindful that through the Cross comes Resurrection promise. The Eucharist will not be celebrated on this day, but we stand before the Cross and receive Holy Communion reserved from the Mass of the Lord’s Supper. HOLY SATURDAY 30th 7.30pm Traditional Easter Vigil at St Barnabas’ West End and Homily 7 We await the Resurrection of Christ with the Lighting of the New Fire, reminding us of the light of Christ banishing the darkness. We bless and light the Paschal (Easter) Candle and process in to church. We listen to readings from the Old Testament, proclaim the Easter Gospel, renew Baptismal vows, and celebrate the First Mass of Easter. EASTER DAY SUNDAY 31st MARCH Short Dawn Service on Torrisholme Barrow at 6.30am This is followed by coffee and Bacon Buns at The Ascension. 9am Mass Homily 8 at both morning Masses 11am The Parish Mass of Easter Day 6pm Mass & Benediction & (Final) Homily 9 Followed by Wine & Chocolate! TIMES OF MASS IN EASTER WEEK Easter Wednesday 10am, Easter Thursday 12noon, Easter Saturday 10am