
We were unable to provide opening hours. Please contact the Church for more information

Vicarage Answerphone
(01524) 745411

Getting here

Saint Chad’s Church is located on the north side of Lancaster on Torrisholme Road, just past the railway bridge at the end of Ryelands Park as you come out of town.
Our church is a modern light-filled building in which we seek to nurture a spirit of welcome, kindness and peace towards all who join us or who are simply passing by.

We are glad to have use of a hall next to the church which we are happy to make available to as many of our neighbours and community groups as we can: please contact us through this site if we can help you.

Services: Sunday Eucharist at 10am; Morning Prayer on Wednesday at 9.30am; Eucharist on Thursday at 10.15am followed by refreshments.


Torrisholme Road

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