Facilities and features
The car park is open Sunday morning and evening, but requires an access code during the week.
We have a changing places toilet in The Centre
Please ask the Welcome Team on Sunday if you need a large print Bible.
Pass the church building on Marton Street and then down the side of church to reach the front doors
Our Building
Music and Worship
Groups, Courses and Activities
Please get in touch if you would like to find out more about the next alpha course (alpha@st.tees.org.uk)
We support the Lancaster and Morecambe Office
We have an Easter Holiday Club for Primary aged children; and a Holiday at Home in the summer for older people.
Friday meal and social event for the homeless or vulnerably housed
PEEP course on a Friday from 10am (peep@st.tees.org.uk)
Little Fishes is our parents/carers and babies/toddlers group running Wednesdays term time at 10am
Thursdays from 6pm and Sundays at the 9am and 11am services