We are pleased to announce that we will have two Sunday school classes each month in school term time. Usually the first and fourth Sundays of month at 9.30 am.Classes are held in the Sunday school room and run alongside the morning service usually returning to join the service after the Communion. All welcome.
We are pleased to announce that we will have two Sunday school classes each month in term time. Usually the first and fourth Sundays of month at 9.30 am. Classes are held in the Sunday school room in church and run alongside the morning service, usually returning to join the service after the Communion. All Sunday school leaders have completed the relevant safeguarding courses and are DBS checked.All welcome.
We are pleased to announce that we will have two Sunday school classes each month in term time. Usually the first and fourth Sundays of month at 9.30 am. Classes are held in the Sunday school room in church and run alongside the morning service, usually returning to join the service after the Communion. All Sunday school leaders have completed the relevant safeguarding courses and are DBS checked.All welcome.