War Memorials

War Memorials in Blessed Virgin Mary - Hambleton

In our church the WW1 WAR MEMORIAL for those who DIED is on the FONT. (See picture above)

A small brass plaque at the foot of the FONT has the names of 6 men who died in the 1st World War.

The inscription states:-

To the glory of God and in memory of those who gave of their best for their country in the Great War 1914-1918

The names are:-

Private John Robert Preston        Private Albert Edward Davies

Private Harry Curwen                   Captain Revd. Thomas Riley

Private John Robert Hull               Private William Stirzaker

(Ranks courtesy of Roy Peaker)

A brass plaque beneath the organ pipes records those from Hambleton who served in WW1.

The inscription states:-

In Commemoration of those from this Parish who fought in the Great War. 1914 - 1919

James Acton                                    John Park Armytage

James Blackburn                            J. Hodgson

Stanley Bowman                            Edward Hopkinson

William Bradshaw                         Arthur Henry Lord

Harry Houghton Bridge               Geoffrey Lord

G. Cook                                           T. Preston

Thomas Fell Crayston                   H. Ronson

William Catterall                            Robert Henry Stephenson

Thomas Fred Eaves                        John Robert Swarbrick

Joseph Francis Foster                   T. Thornton

Henry Todd Foster                         John Taylor

John Robert Hull                            Robert Thompson

H. Jackson                                       Clement Henry Youngs

(Christian names courtesy of Roy Peaker)

The WW2 WAR MEMORIAL is a small brass plaque on the Altar Side Table,  the inscription states



  John Bee - Sapper

Thomas Holmes Rothwell - Radio Officer

Frank Whitehead - Fusilier

(Ranks courtesy of Roy Peaker)