St Mary's Church, Blackpool

Welcome to St Mary's Church, Blackpool! 

Since its humble beginnings in a loft of a stable in 1918, our church has been reaching out in love to our Blackpool community with the good news that Jesus came down to earth from heaven, was born as a human baby, lived among us and died on the cross. But that was not the end because he rose again! After all these years, we continue to serve a risen Christ. 

Why not come along to one of our Sunday services and find out more about this Jesus? Bring the family and stick around after the service for a cuppa! 

Get in touch

Revd Robert Legge

St Mary's Parish Church of Squires Gate Blackpool
Stonycroft Avenue

01253 421966
What's on

Wednesday Holy Communion Service at 10.00am

Every Wednesday at for 30 mins
St Mary's Church, Blackpool
Stonycroft Avenue Blackpool, FY4 2NR, United Kingdom

This is a short service that includes readings and prayers, and is a time for quiet reflection while taking Holy Communion.

Gluten-free wafers for Communion are available upon request.

Everyday faith

Discover how we can support you to find and follow God in your everyday life.

As our Lent season begins on Ash Wednesday (05/03/25) with our ashing service, our vicar will be taking us through Bishop Philip's Lent Course, "Hear Our Prayer".

Lent Notices Church_news


Promoting a Safer Church
St Mary's Church, Blackpool, have adopted the House of Bishops ‘Promoting a Safer Church’ policy and the Parish Safeguarding Handbook, incorporating the House of Bishop’s Safeguarding Policy and Practice Guidance.

A copy of this, and all the information below can be found here: cofe-policy-statement.pdf (

We also display the Promoting a Safer Church poster prominently within our church. This is in the entrance hall to Church along with relevant phone numbers and contact details.

All those working with children and adults at risk have undergone safer recruitment and received safeguarding training.

Reporting a concern
If you believe that someone is at risk of immediate harm please call emergency services on 999.

Any safeguarding concerns in a parish should be brought to the attention of your local Parish Safeguarding Officer(s) (PSO) in the first instance.

Our Parish Safeguarding Officer is Tracy Walker and can be contacted on [email protected].

The PSO can seek further advice from the Diocesan Safeguarding Team as necessary.

Concerns can also be raised directly with the Diocesan Safeguarding Team

Click here to read more.