About Us
Welcome to St Peter and Paul's, Rishton. Our church has been a place of prayer and worship, study and teaching, love and fellowship here in our town for well over 100 years. Built in 1877 to serve the growing needs of the village, St Peter and Paul's strives to do the same today by 'being here for Christ and there for others', our parish motto. The celebration of the Eucharist, often called the mass or Holy Communion, is at the heart of all we do.
We gather on the following days and times for worship
9.00am Eucharist - simple, quiet and without hymns
10:30am Sung Eucharist - a joyful celebration with music and hymns
3.00pm The Lighthouse Service - a relaxed family service with more modern music
Monday 7pm Eucharist
Wednesday 7pm Eucharist
Thursday 10am Eucharist
Morning prayer is said on numerous days during the week, major feast days are kept with a celebration of the Eucharist and the seasons of Christmas and Holy Week and Easter kept with due solemnity. Please contact us for details of events this week or visit our facebook page.
Baptisms/Christenings, Weddings- Please speak to Fr Eddie. You can catch after services in Church or by phoning 01254 829482