Facilities and features
Disabled toilet in the churchyard
Located within the toilet building
Car park nearby with 42 spaces, including 3 disabled, for exclusive church and school use.
Our car park is level with the road and there are no steps right into church.
We have a defibrillator on the school wall nearby.
We have no steps from the car park right into church.
We have dedicated wheelchair space in church.
Our Building
Our stained glass windows are truly exquisite and were recently repaired using a grant from the National Lottery.
Grade II listed church.
Music and Worship
The organ is a two manual built by "Father" Henry Willis in 1874. He is regarded as the foremost organ builder of the Victorian era.
Groups, Courses and Activities
The school has access to an after school club.
We have coffee and cake in school at our Forest Church and Café Church services.
A variety of lively church social events throughout the year.
We have a social committee and ladies' fellowship group, and a men's fellowship group.
Our Mothers Union meets monthly on Tuesday afternoons in Mellor Brook Community Centre.
The tiny members of our Church Family enjoy our Forest and Café Church Services in particular. The school also has a weekly term time parent and toddler group.