Facilities and features


Unisex/disabled toilet in the church

Bay changing facilities in our new disabled, unisex toilet!

available in the village within walking distance of the church
Our church is a small, old, traditional building set into the side of a steep hill and access can be tricky for those with mobility difficulties as paths are very steep. Contact us for further details: [email protected] or 07887844025.

Inside the church

available outside the public toilets in the village, within walking distance of the church

our loop is effective


Our Building

Stained Glass

Our church is Grade 2* listed with Georgian features

Warm Space

Ruth White is our eco-officer. The next ecoevents are Cherish Your Churchyard week, 10th to 16th June, 2024

Music and Worship

Concerts / Live Music

First and third Sunday of the month at 9.30am Book of Common Prayer Holy Communion

Groups, Courses and Activities

Help for Visitors

We have brochures freely available and a History Booklet in full colour price £2.50

Other Features

Our church is a Fairtrade church.

We are in the Bowland Forest Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty