Friday Faith and Fun

FFF 9th Feb 2024.docx Download
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We explored Lent and its significance in our Christian life. Some of the youngsters received the imposition of ashes. They all made cards with pledges as to how they would look after themselves and also others. We finished off with hot dogs, waffles and pop!

To view more pictures click the link.

During Lent, the children have been given the challenge of doing something to ‘Look after yourselves and others in Lent’. We thought it might be something the adults at St. Anne’s could join in with too. Have a look at the display in the Narthex to see if you can complete one of the challenges or make up one of your own. Just make sure you choose activities that are ideas that fit the heading. The children will be adding photos to the display – please send one of yourself to [email protected] or Reverend Lesley [email protected]