This week we chatted and shared memories of fashion, changes in what we wear, uniforms, sewing and knitting, buttons, patchwork etc. Our afternoon was rounded off with tea and delicious cake!.Join Reverend Lesley at The RefectoryNext time our theme is ‘Transport’ (trains, buses, bicycles, roller skates, skateboards, scooters, motor bikes – come with photos, stories and memories to share.Tuesday 21st May 1.30pm-3pm
These are positions that form the leadership team of our church, who plan services, events, and support all we do to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ into our wider community. Please speak to Reverend Lesley if you need more information. If you feel you can serve God in this way, using your gifts and skills, please complete one of the nomination forms at the back of church and hand in to Reverend Lesley. Applications can be received any time up to and before the Annual Meetings of our churches (APCM) St Johns: Sunday 12th May