Maundy Thursday at the Cathedral

Notices From_the_Vicar

Ash Wednesday began a lengthy season in which we prepare our hearts to remember and celebrate the most awesome and important events in human history. God’s son nailed to a cross. The staggering miracle of resurrection. Salvation and new life for all who believe.

Every year at the Cathedral at 11am on Maundy Thursday there is a Chrism Eucharist. At this service priests and deacons renew their ordination vows and rededicate themselves afresh to the beautiful ministry to which Jesus has called them to. This is always well attended by clergy, but the number of lay people can be low. However, without the people of God, there is no point in ministry. It would be lovely, therefore, if members of our congregation / church families could attend this special service so that vows are made in the presence of those whom it is our privilege to serve.

This is followed by a free lunch, and all are welcome.

To help with preparations we are asked to submit numbers. There is a sheet at the back of church. If you will attend, please pop your name on. I will submit the names on the 10th of March. Love Revd. Lesley x